- AbsoluteThreshold - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold
Checks similarity values to ensure their absolute values are over the
- AbsoluteThreshold(double) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold.AbsoluteThreshold
Construct a new absolute-value threshold.
- AbstractConfigContext - Class in org.lenskit.inject
Helper for implementing Lenskit config contexts.
- AbstractConfigContext() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.inject.AbstractConfigContext
- AbstractDataAccessObject - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
Helper class to make it easier to create DAOs.
- AbstractDataAccessObject() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.AbstractDataAccessObject
- AbstractDescriptionWriter - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io
- AbstractDescriptionWriter() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.AbstractDescriptionWriter
- AbstractEntity - Class in org.lenskit.data.entities
Base class to make it easier to implement entities.
- AbstractEntity(EntityType, long) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
- AbstractItemBasedItemRecommender - Class in org.lenskit.basic
- AbstractItemBasedItemRecommender() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemBasedItemRecommender
- AbstractItemBasedItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.basic
- AbstractItemBasedItemScorer() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemBasedItemScorer
- AbstractItemRecommender - Class in org.lenskit.basic
Base class to ease implementation of item recommenders.
- AbstractItemRecommender() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemRecommender
- AbstractItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.basic
Base class to make item scorers easier to implement.
- AbstractItemScorer() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemScorer
- AbstractItemVectorNormalizer - Class in org.lenskit.transform.normalize
Abstract item vector normalizer implementation.
- AbstractItemVectorNormalizer() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.AbstractItemVectorNormalizer
- AbstractObjectStream<T> - Class in org.lenskit.util.io
- AbstractObjectStream() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.io.AbstractObjectStream
- AbstractRatingPredictor - Class in org.lenskit.basic
Base class to make item scorers easier to implement.
- AbstractRatingPredictor() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractRatingPredictor
- AbstractResult - Class in org.lenskit.results
Base class for basic result types.
- AbstractResult(long, double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
Create a new result.
- AbstractResult() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
Create a new, uninitialized result.
- AbstractScoredId - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.scored
- AbstractScoredId() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.AbstractScoredId
- AbstractTableWriter - Class in org.lenskit.util.table.writer
Abstract helper class for implementing table writers.
- AbstractTableWriter() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.table.writer.AbstractTableWriter
- AbstractUserHistory<E extends Event> - Class in org.lenskit.data.history
An abstract implementation of
to provide default implementations of convenience methods.
- AbstractUserHistory() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.history.AbstractUserHistory
- AbstractUserVectorNormalizer - Class in org.lenskit.transform.normalize
Abstract user vector normalizer implementation.
- AbstractUserVectorNormalizer() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.AbstractUserVectorNormalizer
- AbstractVectorNormalizer - Class in org.lenskit.transform.normalize
Abstract vector normalizer implementation.
- AbstractVectorNormalizer() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.AbstractVectorNormalizer
- acquire() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Mark the key set as owned, but don’t copy it.
- activate(BitSet) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Activate bits from a bit set.
- activeIndexIterator(boolean) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Get an iterator over active indexes.
- activeIndexIterator(int, int, int) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Get an iterator over active indexes, initialized to the specified index and limited to a particular range.
- activeSetView() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Get a vew of this key set as a set.
- add(int, long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- add(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- add(long, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Add a scored ID without boxing.
- add(ScoredId) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Add a scored ID.
- add(double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MeanAccumulator
- add(long, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Add a value to the specified entry.
- add(double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Add a value to all set keys in this array.
- add(SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Add another rating vector to this one.
- add(Entity) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollectionBuilder
Add an entity to the collection.
- add(Entity, boolean) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollectionBuilder
Add an entity to the collection.
- add(Entity) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityIndexBuilder
Add an entity to the index.
- add(E) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- add(int, E) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- add(long, double, int, double) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemScoreAccumulator
Add a score to the accumulator.
- add(Result) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.ResultAccumulator
Add a result to the accumulator.
- add(long, double) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.ResultAccumulator
Add a basic result to the accumulator.
- add(T) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMapBuilder
- add(T...) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMapBuilder
- add(String, Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.RowBuilder
Add a single column by name.
- addAlgorithm(AlgorithmInstance) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Adds an algorithmInfo to the experiment being built.
- addAlgorithm(String, LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
An algorithm instance constructed with a name and Lenskit configuration
- addAlgorithm(AlgorithmInstance) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Add an algorithm to the experiment.
- addAlgorithm(String, Closure<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Add an algorithm configured by a Groovy closure.
- addAlgorithm(String, Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Add one or more algorithms by loading a config file.
- addAlgorithms(List<AlgorithmInstance>) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Add multiple algorithm instances.
- addAlgorithms(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Add one or more algorithms from a configuration file.
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends Long>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- addAll(Collection<? extends Long>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- addAll(Iterable<ScoredId>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Add a collection of IDs.
- addAll(Entity...) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollectionBuilder
Add multiple entities to the collection.
- addAll(Iterable<Entity>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollectionBuilder
Add multiple entities to the collection.
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- addAll(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMapBuilder
- addAll(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.RowBuilder
Add several columns from a map.
- addArgument(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Add a command line argument.
- addArguments(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Add some command line arguments.
- addArguments(String...) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Add some command line arguments.
- addBindings(BindingFunctionBuilder) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderGraphBuilder
Add bindings to the graph builder.
- addChannel(Symbol, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdBuilder
Add a new unboxed side channel to the ScoredId
under construction.
- addChannel(TypedSymbol<K>, K) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdBuilder
Add a new side channel to the ScoredId
under construction.
- addChannel(Symbol) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Add a side channel to the list builder with a default value of 0.
- addChannel(Symbol, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Add a side channel to the list builder.
- addChannel(TypedSymbol<?>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Add a side channel to the list builder.
- addChannel(TypedSymbol<T>, T) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Add a typed side channel to the list builder.
- addChannel(TypedSymbol<K>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Add a typed channel to this vector.
- addChannels(Iterable<Symbol>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Add multiple unboxed channels with a default value of 0.
- addChannelVector(Symbol) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Add a channel to this vector.
- addColumn(TypedName<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Associate an attribute with the next column.
- addColumn(String, TypedName<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Add a column.
- addColumn(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayoutBuilder
Add a column to the table layout.
- addColumns(TypedName<?>...) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Add columns to a format.
- addColumns(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayoutBuilder
Add columns to the layout.
- addColumns(String...) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayoutBuilder
Add columns to the layout.
- addComponent(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
- addComponent(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.AbstractConfigContext
- addComponent(Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.AbstractConfigContext
- addComponent(Object) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
Add a component object to the injector.
- addComponent(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
Add a component type to the injector.
- addConfiguration(LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderGraphBuilder
Add a recommender configuration.
- addConfiguration(LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineBuilder
Add a configuration to be included in the recommender engine.
- addConfiguration(LenskitConfiguration, ModelDisposition) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineBuilder
Add a configuration to be used when building the engine.
- addConfiguration(LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineLoader
Add a configuration to use when loading the configuration.
- addDataSet(Crossfolder) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Adds a crossfolder’s results to the experiment.
- addDataSet(String, StaticDataSource, int, double) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Add a new data set to be cross-folded.
- addDataSet(StaticDataSource, int, double) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Add a new data set to be cross-folded.
- addDataSet(String, StaticDataSource, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Add a new data set to be cross-folded.
- addDataSet(StaticDataSource, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Add a new data set to be cross-folded.
- addDataSet(DataSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
- addDataSet(StaticDataSource, StaticDataSource) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Add a data set to the experiment.
- addDataSet(DataSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Add a data set.
- addDataSets(List<DataSet>) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Add several data sets.
- addDefaultIndex(TypedName<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAOBuilder
Add an attribute to index by default on all entities.
- addDerivedEntity(EntityType, EntityType, TypedName<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Add a derived entity to the data source.
- addEntities(Entity...) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAOBuilder
Add multiple entities.
- addEntities(Iterable<? extends Entity>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAOBuilder
Add multiple entities.
- addEntity(Entity) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAOBuilder
Add an entity to the DAO.
- addFilterField(TypedName<A>, A) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
Add a filter condition to the builder.
- addFilterField(Attribute<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
Add a filter condition to the builder.
- addFilterFields(List<Attribute<?>>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
Add a filter condition to the builder.
- addIndex(EntityType, TypedName<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAOBuilder
Index entities by an attribute.
- addIndex(EntityType, TypedName<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Index entities by an attribute.
- addIndex(TypedName<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollectionBuilder
Add an index to an entity collection to speed up lookups.
- addIndex(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollectionBuilder
Add an index to an entity collection to speed up lookups.
- addInput(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.UpToDateChecker
Add an input timestamp.
- addInput(File) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.UpToDateChecker
Add an input file.
- addItemFileArgument(ItemDAO, String) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Add a list of items as a command-line argument.
- addItemFileArgument(ItemDAO) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Add a list of items as a command-line argument.
- addJob(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.monitor.StatusTracker
Add a job to the status tracker.
- addLoggingGroup(ArgumentParser) - Static method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.Logging
- addMetric(PredictMetric<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
Add a prediction metric.
- addMetric(TopNMetric<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Add a prediction metric.
- addMetric(PredictMetric<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Add a metric to the experiment.
- addOutput(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.UpToDateChecker
Add an output timestamp.
- addOutput(File) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.UpToDateChecker
Add an output file to check.
- addRatingFileArgument(EventDAO, String) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Add a list of ratings as a command-line argument.
- addRatingFileArgument(EventDAO) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Add a list of ratings as a command-line argument.
- addResults(long, Result...) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.PrecomputedItemScorer.Builder
Add results for a user.
- addRoot(Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
Add the specified component type as a root component.
- addRoots(Iterable<Class<?>>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderGraphBuilder
Add roots to the graph builder.
- addRow(List<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableBuilder
Add a row to the table.
- addRow(Object...) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableBuilder
Add a row to the table.
- addScalar(Long2DoubleMap, double) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.math.Vectors
Add a scalar to each element of a vector.
- addScaled(SparseVector, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Add a vector to this vector with a scaling factor.
- addScore(long, long, double) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.PrecomputedItemScorer.Builder
Add a score.
- addSortKey(TypedName<? extends Comparable>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
Add an ascending sort key.
- addSortKey(TypedName<? extends Comparable>, SortOrder) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
Add a sort key.
- addSortKey(SortKey) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
Add a sort key.
- addSortKeys(Iterable<SortKey>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
Add multiple sort keys.
- addSource(Collection<? extends Entity>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Add a collection data source.
- addSource(Collection<? extends Entity>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Add a collection data source.
- addSource(EntitySource) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Add an entity source.
- addTask(EvalTask) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Add an evaluation task.
- addTask(ForkJoinTask<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.parallel.TaskGroup
Add a task to be executed.
- addTestEntity(Rating...) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUserBuilder
- addTestRating(long, double) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUserBuilder
- addTrainEntity(Rating...) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUserBuilder
- addTrainingRound(double) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo.Builder
Add the error for a training round.
- addTypedChannels(Iterable<? extends TypedSymbol<?>>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Add multiple channels with a default value of null
- addUserFileArgument(UserDAO, String) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Add a list of users as a command-line argument.
- addUserFileArgument(UserDAO) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Add a list of users as a command-line argument.
- advance() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.ProgressLogger
Record that an item has been completed.
- AggregateResult(TopNMAPMetric.Context) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMAPMetric.AggregateResult
- AggregateResult(TopNMRRMetric.Context) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMRRMetric.AggregateResult
- algorithm(Closure<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.MultiAlgorithmDSL
- algorithm(String, Closure<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.MultiAlgorithmDSL
Create a new algorithm in this file.
- AlgorithmInstance - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest
An instance of a recommender algorithm to be trained and measured.
- AlgorithmInstance(String, LenskitConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstance
Construct a new algorithm instance.
- AlgorithmInstance(String, List<LenskitConfiguration>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstance
Construct a new algorithm instance.
- AlgorithmInstanceBuilder - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest
Builder for algorithm instances.
- AlgorithmInstanceBuilder() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
Construct a new algorithm instance builder.
- AlgorithmInstanceBuilder(String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
Construct a new algorithm instance builder with a name.
- allItems() - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector
- apply(long, long, double) - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.clamp.ClampingFunction
Clamp a value.
- apply(long, long, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.clamp.IdentityClampingFunction
- apply(long, long, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.clamp.RatingRangeClampingFunction
- apply(Entity) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQuery
- apply(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.LineEntityParser
- apply(List<? extends Event>, Random) - Method in enum org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.SortOrder
Apply the ordering.
- apply(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.NodeInstantiator
- apply(double, RealVector, RealVector) - Method in interface org.lenskit.mf.svd.BiasedMFKernel
Apply the kernel function.
- apply(double, RealVector, RealVector) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.DomainClampingKernel
- apply(double, RealVector, RealVector) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.DotProductKernel
- apply(MutableSparseVector) - Method in interface org.lenskit.transform.normalize.VectorTransformation
Apply the vector transformation in-place to a vector.
- apply(long, double) - Method in interface org.lenskit.transform.normalize.VectorTransformation
Apply the transformation to an individual value.
- applyReversedTransform(VectorTransformation) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemScoreAccumulator
Apply the reverse of a transform to the results.
- as(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.Result
Convert this result to the specified type, if possible.
- as(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackResult
Convert this result to another type.
- as(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
Convert this result to the specified type, if possible.
- as(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.RescoredResult
Convert this type.
- asLong2DoubleFunction(Map<Long, Double>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Create a long-to-double function from a map, casting if appropriate.
- asLongCollection(Collection<Long>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongUtils
- asLongCollection(Collection<Long>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
- asLongList(List<Long>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
- asLongSet(Set<Long>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongUtils
- asLongSet(Set<Long>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
- asLongSet(Collection<Long>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
- asMap() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
- asMap() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
- asMap() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
View this entity as a map.
- asMap() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.Row
Get a view of this row as a map.
- asRow() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.Row
Get a view of this row as a list.
- asType(Class<V>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.Query
View results as a different type.
- at(Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
- at(Class<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
Configure inside an anchored context using a block.
- at(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
- at(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
Enclose a block of configuration in a context.
- at(Annotation, Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
- at(Annotation, Class<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
Enclose a block of configuration in a context.
- at(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
- at(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<?>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
- at(Annotation, Class<?>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
- at(Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
- at(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
- at(Annotation, Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
- Attribute<T> - Class in org.lenskit.data.entities
An attribute associated with an entity, consisting of its name, type, and value.
- attributeValueFunction(TypedName<T>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Entities
- autodetect(String) - Static method in enum org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.CompressionMode
Auto-detect a compression mode from a file name.
- autodetect(File) - Static method in enum org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.CompressionMode
Auto-detect a compression mode from a file’s name.
- AutoProvider(PreferenceDomain) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.transform.quantize.PreferenceDomainQuantizer.AutoProvider
- average() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.Column
Get the average of this column.
- avgPrecision - Variable in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMAPMetric.UserResult
- BaselineScorer - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.baseline
Annotation for the baseline scorer of a stacked item scorer, or an item scorer used as a baseline in another component.
- baselineScorer - Variable in class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.BaselineSubtractingUserVectorNormalizer
- BaselineSubtractingUserVectorNormalizer - Class in org.lenskit.transform.normalize
User vector normalizer that subtracts a user’s baseline scores.
- BaselineSubtractingUserVectorNormalizer(ItemScorer) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.BaselineSubtractingUserVectorNormalizer
Create a new baseline-subtracting normalizer with the given baseline.
- basename(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Get the basename of a file path, possibly without extension.
- basicCopy(Result) - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.Results
Create a basic result that has the same ID and score as another result (a basic copy of the result).
- basicCopyFunction() - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.Results
Guava function that converts a result to a basic result.
- BasicEntityBuilder - Class in org.lenskit.data.entities
- BasicEntityBuilder(EntityType) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.entities.BasicEntityBuilder
Create a new entity builder for a type.
- basicEquivalence() - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.Results
An equivalence relation that considers objects to be equal if they are equal after being converted to basic results (that is, their IDs and scores are equal).
- BasicItemEventList<E extends Event> - Class in org.lenskit.data.history
List-backed item event collection.
- BasicItemEventList(long, Iterable<? extends E>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
Construct an item event list.
- BasicNeighborIterationStrategy - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item.model
Neighbor iteration strategy that considers all items to be candidate neighbors.
- BasicNeighborIterationStrategy() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.BasicNeighborIterationStrategy
- BasicResult - Class in org.lenskit.results
A basic
implementation with no details.
- BasicResult(long, double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.results.BasicResult
Create a new basic result.
- BasicResultList - Class in org.lenskit.results
Basic list-based implementation of a result list.
- BasicResultList(List<? extends Result>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
Create a new result list from a list of results.
- BasicResultMap - Class in org.lenskit.results
Standard result map implementation.
- BasicResultMap(Iterable<? extends Result>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultMap
Create a new result map from a collection of results.
- BasicSQLStatementFactory - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql
Default implementation of the SQL statement factory.
- BasicSQLStatementFactory() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
- BasicUserHistory<E extends Event> - Class in org.lenskit.data.history
Basic user rating profile backed by a collection of ratings.
- begin(Path) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.StagedWrite
Begin a staged file writing operation.
- begin(File) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.StagedWrite
Begin a staged file writing operation.
- BiasedMFItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.mf.svd
Item scorer using biased matrix factorization.
- BiasedMFItemScorer(MFModel, BiasedMFKernel, ItemScorer) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.mf.svd.BiasedMFItemScorer
Create a new biased MF item scorer.
- BiasedMFKernel - Interface in org.lenskit.mf.svd
A kernel for biased matrix factorization.
- BiasItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.bias
Score items using a user-item bias model.
- BiasItemScorer(BiasModel) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.bias.BiasItemScorer
Construct a new scorer.
- BiasItemVectorNormalizer - Class in org.lenskit.transform.normalize
Item vector normalizer that subtracts user-item biases.
- BiasItemVectorNormalizer(BiasModel) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.BiasItemVectorNormalizer
Construct a new normalizer.
- BiasModel - Interface in org.lenskit.bias
Interface for bias models that can be based on the user, item, or both.
- BiasUserVectorNormalizer - Class in org.lenskit.transform.normalize
User vector normalizer that subtracts user-item biases.
- BiasUserVectorNormalizer(BiasModel) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.BiasUserVectorNormalizer
Construct a new normalizer.
- BinaryFormatFlag - Enum in org.lenskit.data.packed
Flags for the binary output format.
- BinaryRatingDAO - Class in org.lenskit.data.packed
DAO implementation using binary-packed data.
- BinaryRatingDAO.Loader - Class in org.lenskit.data.packed
- BinaryRatingFile - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.data.packed
Parameter for the backing file for the rating DAO.
- BinaryRatingPacker - Class in org.lenskit.data.packed
- BinarySearch - Class in org.lenskit.util
Utility class for implementing and working with binary searches.
- BinarySearch() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.BinarySearch
- BinaryUtils - Class in org.lenskit.data.packed
- bind(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
- bind(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
- bind(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.AbstractConfigContext
- bind(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
- bind(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
- bind(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
- bindAny(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
- bindAny(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.AbstractConfigContext
- bindAny(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
- BindingDSL - Class in org.lenskit.config
Groovy DSL definition for configuring LensKit recommenders.
- BitSetIterator - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.collections
- BitSetIterator(BitSet) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.BitSetIterator
Construct an iterator over a bit set.
- BitSetIterator(BitSet, int) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.BitSetIterator
Construct an iterator over a bit set, starting at a desired index.
- BitSetIterator(BitSet, int, int) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.BitSetIterator
Create an iterator starting at a particular bit and ending at another index.
- BitSetIterator(BitSet, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.BitSetIterator
Create an iterator starting at a particular bit and ending at another index, with an initial position that may not be at the beginning.
- BlendWeight - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.hybrid
Blending weight for two-element hybrids.
- BridgeEventDAO - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
Bridge implementation of the event DAO to migrate from new DAO architecture.
- BridgeEventDAO(DataAccessObject) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeEventDAO
- BridgeItemDAO - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
Bridge to transition item DAO use to new DAOs.
- BridgeItemDAO(DataAccessObject) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemDAO
Construct a new bridge item DAO.
- BridgeItemDAO.DynamicProvider - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
- BridgeItemEventDAO - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
Bridge to transition item event DAO use to new DAOs.
- BridgeItemEventDAO(DataAccessObject) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemEventDAO
Construct a new bridge item DAO.
- BridgeItemEventDAO.DynamicProvider - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
- BridgeItemNameDAO - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
Bridge implementation of the item name DAO.
- BridgeItemNameDAO(DataAccessObject) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemNameDAO
Construct a new DAO.
- BridgeUserDAO - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
Bridge to transition user DAO use to new DAOs.
- BridgeUserDAO(DataAccessObject) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeUserDAO
Construct a new bridge user DAO.
- BridgeUserDAO.DynamicProvider - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
- BridgeUserEventDAO - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
Bridge to transition user event DAO use to new DAOs.
- BridgeUserEventDAO(DataAccessObject) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeUserEventDAO
Construct a new bridge user DAO.
- BridgeUserEventDAO.DynamicProvider - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
- build(Connection) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
Create a DAO backed by a database connection.
- build() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdBuilder
Finish constructing the ScoredId
and instantiate it.
- build() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.PrecomputedItemScorer.Builder
Construct the mock item scorer.
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAOBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
Build the data query.
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.BasicEntityBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityBuilder
Build the entity.
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollectionBuilder
Build the entity collection.
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityIndexBuilder
Build the entity index.
- build() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.events.EventBuilder
Builds the event.
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomainBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSetBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUserBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Build the item scorer.
- build(LenskitConfiguration) - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
- build(LenskitConfiguration, DataAccessObject) - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
Build a recommender from a configuration.
- build(LenskitConfiguration) - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
Build a LensKit recommender engine from a configuration.
- build(LenskitConfiguration, DataAccessObject) - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
Build a LensKit recommender engine from a configuration.
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineBuilder
- build(DataAccessObject) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineBuilder
Build the recommender engine.
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo.Builder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMapBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.RowBuilder
Build a row as a row object.
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableBuilder
- build() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayoutBuilder
- buildDependencySolver() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderGraphBuilder
Build a dependency solver from the provided bindings.
- buildDependencySolverImpl(RecommenderGraphBuilder.SolveDirection) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderGraphBuilder
- buildDependencyUnsolver() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderGraphBuilder
Build a dependency ‘unsolver’ from the provided bindings.
- Builder(double, double, RatingMatrix, StoppingCondition) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.baseline.LeastSquaresItemScorer.Builder
Create a new builder.
- Builder() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.PrecomputedItemScorer.Builder
- Builder(EventDAO, boolean) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO.Builder
- Builder(RatingVectorPDAO, UserVectorNormalizer) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserSnapshot.Builder
- Builder(int) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo.Builder
Construct a new builder.
- Builder(EventDAO, double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.MeanVarianceNormalizer.Builder
Create a new mean-variance normalizer builder.
- buildGraph() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderGraphBuilder
- buildGraph() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
- buildList() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.RowBuilder
Build the row as a list.
- buildMatrix() - Method in class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneModelDataAccumulator
- buildObject(Builder<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.config.GroovyUtils
Build an object using named arguments.
- buildRecommender(LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstance
Build a recommender.
- buildRecommenderGraph(LenskitConfiguration...) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstance
Build a recommender graph (but don’t instantiate any objects).
- buildVector() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Build a sparse vector directly from the list of IDs.
- buildWithView(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
Build the data query with a view type.
- BuiltBy - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.data.entities
Identify the builder type for an entity class.
- BuiltBy - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.data.events
Identify the builder for an event.
- byteSource(File) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Create a file byte source, automatically decompressing based on file name.
- byteSource(File, CompressionMode) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Create a file byte source.
- byteSource(URL, CompressionMode) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Create a URL-backed byte source.
- CachedPreparedStatement - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql
- CachedPreparedStatement(Connection, String) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.CachedPreparedStatement
Create a new cached prepared statement.
- call() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.CachedPreparedStatement
Get the prepared statement, creating one if necessary.
- callWithDelegate(Closure<?>, Object) - Static method in class org.lenskit.config.GroovyUtils
Call a configuration block with a specified delegate.
- cast(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.Functional
Identity function casting its arguments to a particular type.
- channelOrder(Symbol) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIds
An ordering (comparator) that compares IDs by channel.
- channelOrder(TypedSymbol<T>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIds
An ordering (comparator) that compares IDs by typed channel.
- channelOrder(TypedSymbol<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIds
An ordering (comparator) that compares IDs by typed channel.
- checkForPlaceholders(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>, Logger) - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.GraphtUtils
Check a graph for placeholder satisfactions.
- checkRowWidth(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.writer.AbstractTableWriter
Check the width of a row to see if it is too wide.
- ClampingFunction - Interface in org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.clamp
Function for clamping user-item data, typically a preference or rating.
- clampValue(double) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomain
Clamp a value to this preference domain.
- clampVector(MutableSparseVector) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomain
- clampVector(Map<Long, Double>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomain
- ClassDirectory - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util
Directory to look up where classes might be found.
- clear() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Clear the builder.
- clear() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Clear all values from the set.
- clear() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- clear() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.RowBuilder
Clear the row builder.
- clearAttribute(TypedName<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.BasicEntityBuilder
- clearAttribute(TypedName<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityBuilder
Clear an attribute.
- clearAttribute(TypedName<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
- clearChannels() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdBuilder
Removes all channels (typed and double) from new ScoredId
objects produced by the builder.
- clearColumns() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Clear the columns configured for this format.
- clearGroup() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.GroupingObjectStream
Clear the accumulated group.
- clearRating() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Clear the rating value (so this builder builds unrate events).
- clearRoots() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
Clear the set of roots, removing all configured and default roots.
- clone() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Return a copy of this key set.
- clone() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.VectorEntry
- clone() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.events.EventBuilder
Clone this event builder.
- clone() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
- clone() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayoutBuilder
Clone this layout command.
- close() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.CachedPreparedStatement
Close the prepared statement.
- close() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
Close the connection and all open statements.
- close() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.Recommender
Close the recommender.
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingPacker
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.StaticInjector
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.AbstractObjectStream
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.GroupingObjectStream
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.LineStream
- close() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStream
Close the stream.
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.StagedWrite
Clean up the staged write, deleting the staging file if it still exists.
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableBuilder
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.writer.AbstractTableWriter
No-op close implementaiton.
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.writer.CSVWriter
- close() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.writer.MultiplexedTableWriter
- close() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.writer.TableWriter
Finish the table.
- closeConnection - Variable in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- COL_ITEM_ID - Static variable in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
Item ID column number.
- COL_RATING - Static variable in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
Rating column number.
- COL_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
Timestamp column number.
- COL_USER_ID - Static variable in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
User ID column number.
- collectionFromVector(SparseVector) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIds
View a vector as a collection of
- CollectionUtils - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.collections
- CollectionUtils - Class in org.lenskit.util.collections
Various helper methods for working with collections (particularly Fastutil collections).
- Column - Interface in org.lenskit.util.table
A view of a column of a table.
- column(int) - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.Table
Get a column by index.
- column(String) - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.Table
Get a column by name.
- columnIndex(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayout
Get the index of a particular column.
- combine(Long2DoubleMap, Long2DoubleFunction, double, double) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.math.Vectors
Add a vector to another (scaled) vector and a scalar.
- combineWith(SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.ImmutableSparseVector
- combineWith(SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
- combineWith(SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Combine this vector with another vector by taking the union of the key domains of two vectors.
- Command - Interface in org.lenskit.cli
Interface implemented by all CLI subcommands.
- commit() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.StagedWrite
Complete the staging write by replacing the target file with the staging file.
- CommonAttributes - Class in org.lenskit.data.entities
Definitions and utilities for common fields.
- CommonTypes - Class in org.lenskit.data.entities
Definitions and utiltiies for common entity types.
- CommonTypes() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.entities.CommonTypes
- CompactableLongArrayList - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.collections
A long array list that can use compact storage.
- CompactableLongArrayList() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- CompactableLongArrayList(int) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- CompactableLongArrayList(Collection<? extends Long>) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- compactCopy() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Make a compact copy of this key set.
- compactCopy(boolean) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Make a compact copy of this key set.
- comparator() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- comparator() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
- comparator() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
- compileSelector(String) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector
Compile an item selector from a Groovy expression.
- CompressedByteSource - Class in org.lenskit.util.io
A Guava byte source that decompresses data from an underlying source.
- CompressedByteSource(ByteSource, String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.io.CompressedByteSource
Construct a compressed byte source.
- CompressionMode - Enum in org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io
- compute() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.parallel.TaskGroup
- computeIdMeans(double, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.IdMeanAccumulator
Compute the means for each ID.
- concat(Iterable<? extends ObjectStream<? extends T>>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreams
Concatenate object streams.
- concat(ObjectStream<? extends T>...) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreams
Concatenate object streams.
- ConditionEvaluator - Interface in org.lenskit.eval.traintest
Measures the performance of a single experimental condition.
- ConfigHelpers - Class in org.lenskit.config
LensKit configuration helper utilities.
- ConfigurationLoader - Class in org.lenskit.config
Load LensKit configurations using the configuration DSL.
- ConfigurationLoader() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
Construct a new configuration loader.
- ConfigurationLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
Construct a new configuration loader.
- configure(LenskitConfiguration, Closure<?>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigHelpers
Modify a configuration from a closure.
- configure(LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigScript
Run this script against an existing configuration.
- configure() - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigScript
Run this script and produce a new configuration.
- configure(LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Configure LensKit to have the training data from this data source.
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in interface org.lenskit.cli.Command
Configure the argument parser for this command.
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Crossfold
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.GlobalRecommend
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Graph
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.PackRatings
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Predict
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Recommend
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.RunScript
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Simulate
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.TrainModel
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.TrainTest
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.ValidatePack
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Version
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Static method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.InputData
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser, boolean) - Static method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.InputData
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Static method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.RecommenderLoader
- configureArguments(ArgumentParser) - Static method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.ScriptEnvironment
- configureLogging(Namespace) - Static method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.Logging
- connection - Variable in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- constantDoubleMap(Set<Long>, double) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Create a map that maps a group of items to the same value.
- ConstantItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.basic
Item scorer that returns a fixed score for all items.
- ConstantItemScorer(double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.ConstantItemScorer
Create a new constant item scorer.
- ConstantItemScorer.Value - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.basic
The value used by the constant scorer.
- consume(int, ObjectStream<T>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreams
Consume and discard the first n
elements from an object stream.
- contains(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- contains(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- contains(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- containsKey(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Query whether this set contains the specified key in its domain.
- containsKey(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Query whether the vector contains an entry for the key in question.
- containsKey(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultMap
- containsKey(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
- containsKey(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
- containsKey(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- containsKey(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMapBuilder
Query whether an object with the specified key has been added.
- containsKey(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyIndex
Query whether this index contains a particular key.
- containsKey(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
- containsKey(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Query whether this set contains the specified key in its domain.
- containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- Context() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.CoveragePredictMetric.Context
- Context() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.MAEPredictMetric.Context
- Context() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.RMSEPredictMetric.Context
- Context() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNEntropyMetric.Context
- Context(RatingSummary) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPopularityMetric.Context
- Context(LongSet, Recommender) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPrecisionRecallMetric.Context
- copy() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Copy the rating vector.
- copy() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
Create a new entity query builder that is a copy of this one.
- copy(Rating) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Construct a new rating builder that is a copy of a particular rating.
- copy() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
Convenience method to copy a LensKit configuration.
- copy(TableLayout) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayoutBuilder
Construct a new builder that is a copy of an existing layout.
- copyBuilder(ScoredId) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIds
Create a new builder initialized to copy the specified scored ID.
- copyBuilder(Entity) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Entities
Create a new entity builder that is initialized with a copy of an entity.
- copyBuilder() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.Rating
Create a new rating builder that will build a copy of this rating.
- copyBuilder() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Create a new builder initialized with this data set’s values.
- copyBuilder(DataSet) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Create a new builder initialized with this data set’s values.
- CORATINGS_SYMBOL - Static variable in class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneModel
- CosineVectorSimilarity - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity
Cosine similarity for vectors.
- CosineVectorSimilarity() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.CosineVectorSimilarity
Construct an undamped cosine similarity function.
- CosineVectorSimilarity(double) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.CosineVectorSimilarity
Construct a new cosine similarity function.
- count(int, int) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MutualInformationAccumulator
Count an occurrence.
- count() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.Query
Get the number of results the query would return.
- COUNT - Static variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.CommonAttributes
A standard count, for events that may use them.
- count(ObjectStream<?>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreams
Count the items in a stream.
- countCommonKeys(SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Count the common keys between two vectors.
- CoveragePredictMetric - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict
Simple evaluator that records user, rating and prediction counts and computes recommender coverage over the queried items.
- CoveragePredictMetric() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.CoveragePredictMetric
- CoveragePredictMetric.AggregateCoverage - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict
- CoveragePredictMetric.Context - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict
- CoveragePredictMetric.Coverage - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict
- create(long...) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Create a key set with some keys.
- create(long, double) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIds
Create a scored id with no channels.
- create(Map<Long, Double>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.ImmutableSparseVector
Construct a new immutable sparse vector from a map.
- create(Collection<Long>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Create a new empty mutable sparse vector with the specified key domain.
- create(Collection<Long>, double) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Create a new mutable sparse vector with the specified key domain and filled with a value.
- create(Map<Long, Double>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Create a new mutable sparse vector with the specified content.
- create(long...) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Create a mutable sparse vector with a fixed set of keys.
- create(Entity...) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAO
Create a new event collection DAO.
- create(Collection<? extends Entity>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAO
Create a new event collection DAO.
- create(Collection<? extends Event>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EventCollectionDAO
Create a new data source from a collection of events.
- create(Event...) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EventCollectionDAO
Create a new data source from an array of events.
- create(TypedName<? extends Comparable>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.SortKey
Create a new sort key in ascending order.
- create(TypedName<? extends Comparable>, SortOrder) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.SortKey
Create a new sort key.
- create(TypedName<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.SortKey
Create a new sort key with a value comparator.
- create(TypedName<T>, T) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Attribute
Create a new attribute pair.
- create(EntityType, long) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Entities
Create a new bare entity.
- create(EntityType, EntityType, TypedName<Long>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDerivation
Create a new entity derivation.
- create(TypedName<?>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityIndexBuilder
Create an entity index builder for an attribute.
- create(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.TypedName
Create a typed name object.
- create(String, String) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.TypedName
Create an typed name from a name and type name.
- create(ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.events.EventTypeResolver
Create a new event type resolver for a class loader.
- create() - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.events.EventTypeResolver
Create a new event type resolver for the current class loader.
- create(long, long, double) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.Rating
- create(long, long, double, long) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.Rating
- create(DataAccessObject) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingSummary
Create a rating summary from a DAO.
- create() - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.NodeInstantiator
Create a node instantiator without a lifecycle manager.
- create(LifecycleManager) - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.NodeInstantiator
Create a node instantiator with a lifecycle manager.
- create(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderInstantiator
- create(int) - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.ResultAccumulator
Create a new result accumulator.
- create(long, double) - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.Results
Create a new result with just and ID and a score.
- create(long, T) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.IdBox
Construct a new ID box.
- create(LongList) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
Construct a new key index.
- create(LongCollection) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
Create a new key index.
- create() - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
- create(LongList) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
Construct a new indexer.
- create(Collection<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
Create a new keyed object map.
- create(Iterable<? extends T>, KeyExtractor<? super T>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
Create a new keyed object map.
- create(Long2DoubleMap) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
Create a new long-to-double sorted array map from another map.
- create(Map<Long, Double>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
Create a new sorted array map from input data.
- create(long...) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Create a key set with some keys.
- create(Logger) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.ProgressLogger
Create a new progress logger.
- createConditionEvaluator(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in interface org.lenskit.eval.traintest.EvalTask
Set up a measurement of a single recommender.
- createConditionEvaluator(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
- createConditionEvaluator(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.Metric
Create the context for an experimental condition (algorithm/data set pair).
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.CoveragePredictMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.MAEPredictMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.NDCGPredictMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.RMSEPredictMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNEntropyMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNLengthMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMAPMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMRRMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDPMMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPopularityMetric
- createContext(AlgorithmInstance, DataSet, Recommender) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPrecisionRecallMetric
- createFrozen(LongList) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
Convenience method to create a frozen key index.
- createMetric(Class<T>, JsonNode) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.MetricLoaderHelper
- createMetric(Class<T>, String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.MetricLoaderHelper
- createRecommender() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.RecommenderEngine
Create a new recommender..
- createRecommender() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
- createRecommender(LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
Construct a recommender with some additional configuration.
- createRecommender(DataAccessObject) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
Create a LensKit recommender.
- createRecommenderGraph(LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
- createUnrate(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.Rating
- createUpdater() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdateRule
- createWindowedView(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- Crossfold - Class in org.lenskit.cli.commands
Pack ratings data into a rating file.
- Crossfold() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Crossfold
- crossfold(DataAccessObject, CrossfoldOutput, EntityType) - Method in interface org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.CrossfoldMethod
Crossfold an input into some outputs.
- Crossfolder - Class in org.lenskit.eval.crossfold
Partitions a data set for cross-validation.
- Crossfolder() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
- Crossfolder(String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
- CrossfoldMethod - Interface in org.lenskit.eval.crossfold
The method to be used for crossfolding.
- CrossfoldMethods - Class in org.lenskit.eval.crossfold
- csv(File) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.output.RatingWriters
Write ratings to a CSV file.
- csv(File, boolean) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.output.RatingWriters
Write ratings to a CSV file.
- csvRatingFile(Path) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Create a static data source from a CSV rating file.
- csvRatings() - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.Formats
Read a CSV file of ratings without a header.
- CSVWriter - Class in org.lenskit.util.table.writer
- CSVWriter(Writer, TableLayout) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.table.writer.CSVWriter
Construct a new CSV writer.
- curry(Function<? super X, T>, X) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.MoreSuppliers
- CustomClassLoaderObjectInputStream - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io
Object input stream that uses a custom class loader.
- CustomClassLoaderObjectInputStream(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.CustomClassLoaderObjectInputStream
- failOnUnknownChannels() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Set the builder to fail on unknown channels.
- FallbackItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.basic
Item scorer that combines a primary scorer with a baseline.
- FallbackItemScorer(ItemScorer, ItemScorer) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackItemScorer
- FallbackItemScorer.DynamicProvider - Class in org.lenskit.basic
An item scorer provider for opportunistically creating fallback scorers.
- FallbackResult - Class in org.lenskit.basic
- fast() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
- fast(VectorEntry.State) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
- fastEntryIterator(Long2DoubleMap) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.math.Vectors
Get an iterator over the entries of the map.
- fastIntersect(SparseVector, SparseVector) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Iterate over the intersection of two vectors without the overhead of object creation.
- fastIterator() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
- fastIterator(VectorEntry.State) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
- FeatureCount - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
The number of latent features to use in an SVD-based recommender.
- featureCount - Variable in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelProvider
- featureCount - Variable in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
- FeatureInfo - Class in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
Information about a feature.
- FeatureInfo.Builder - Class in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
Helper class to build feature info.
- fill(double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Set the values for all items in the key domain to value
- filter(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicUserHistory
Filter the user history to only contain elements of a particular type.
- filter(Predicate<? super E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicUserHistory
Filter the user history with a predicate.
- filter(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.history.UserHistory
Filter the user history to only contain elements of a particular type.
- filter(Predicate<? super E>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.history.UserHistory
Filter the user history with a predicate.
- filter(ObjectStream<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreams
Filter an object stream.
- filter(ObjectStream<?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreams
Filter an object stream to only contain elements of type type.
- filter(String, Object) - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.Table
- finalize() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.StaticInjector
- find(TypedName<T>, T) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollection
Find entities by attribute.
- find(Attribute<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollection
Find entities with an attribute.
- find(String, Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollection
Find entities by attribute.
- findClass(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.MetricLoaderHelper
Look up the class implementing a metric by name.
- findLowerBound(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Get the lower bound, the first index whose key is greater than or equal to the specified key.
- findNeighbors(long, LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserUserItemScorer
Find the neighbors for a user with respect to a collection of items.
- findSatisfyingNode(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>, QualifierMatcher, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.GraphtUtils
Find a node with a satisfaction for a specified type.
- findTypes(Iterable<? extends T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.TypeUtils
Build the set of types implemented by the objects’ classes.
- findUpperBound(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Get the upper bound, the first index whose key is greater than the specified key.
- finish() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
- finish() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.HashDescriptionWriter
Finish the description, producing a hash code.
- finish() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.StringDescriptionWriter
Get the accumulated string description.
- finish() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.LogContext
Finish the context.
- finish() - Method in interface org.lenskit.eval.traintest.ConditionEvaluator
Finish measuring the performance for the algorithm and data set.
- finish() - Method in interface org.lenskit.eval.traintest.EvalTask
Finalize this eval task.
- finish() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.MAEPredictMetric.Context
- finish() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
- finish() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.RMSEPredictMetric.Context
- finish() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
- finish() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNEntropyMetric.Context
- finish() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPrecisionRecallMetric.Context
- finish() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.ResultAccumulator
Finish accumulating and return the accumulated results.
- finish() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.ProgressLogger
Log that the process has finished.
- finish() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.ScoredIdAccumulator
Accumulate the scores into a sorted scored list and reset the accumulator.
- finish() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.TopNScoredIdAccumulator
- finish() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.UnlimitedScoredIdAccumulator
- finishGroup() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.GroupingObjectStream
Finish the current group and return it.
- finishList() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.ScoredIdAccumulator
Accumulate the scored items into a list.
- finishList() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.TopNScoredIdAccumulator
- finishList() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.UnlimitedScoredIdAccumulator
- finishMap() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.ScoredIdAccumulator
Accumulate the scores into a map and reset the accumulator.
- finishMap() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.TopNScoredIdAccumulator
- finishMap() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.UnlimitedScoredIdAccumulator
- finishSet() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.ScoredIdAccumulator
Accumulate the scored items into a set.
- finishSet() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.TopNScoredIdAccumulator
- finishSet() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.UnlimitedScoredIdAccumulator
- finishVector() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.ScoredIdAccumulator
Accumulate the scores into a mutable sparse vector and reset the accumulator.
- finishVector() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.TopNScoredIdAccumulator
- finishVector() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.UnlimitedScoredIdAccumulator
- firstLong() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
- firstLongKey() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- firstLongKey() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
- fixed(LongSet) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector
Get an item selector that returns a fixed set of items.
- fixed(long...) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector
- forClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.ClassDirectory
Get a class directory for a specific class loader.
- forConfig(LenskitConfiguration) - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderInstantiator
- forCurrentClassLoader() - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.ClassDirectory
Get a class directory for the current thread’s class loader.
- forItem(long, Iterable<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.history.History
Create an event collection for a particular item.
- forItem(long) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.history.History
Create an empty history for a particular item.
- forList(E, List<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.BinarySearch
Create a search over a list.
- formatElapsedTime(double) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.ProgressLogger
Format elapsed time.
- Formats - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao.file
Utility methods relating to entity formats.
- Formats() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.Formats
- forName(String) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityType
Get the entity type for a name.
- forUser(long, List<? extends E>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.history.History
Create a history for a particular user.
- forUser(long) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.history.History
Create an empty history for a particular user.
- forUser(long, E...) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.history.History
Create a history for a particular user with an array of events.
- FractionHistoryPartitionMethod - Class in org.lenskit.eval.crossfold
Partition a list by fraction.
- FractionHistoryPartitionMethod(double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.FractionHistoryPartitionMethod
The fraction to hold out (put in the second partition).
- freeze() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Construct an immutable sparse vector from this vector’s data (if possible), invalidating this vector in the process.
- fromArray(KeyIndex, double[]) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
Create a map from an array and index mapping.
- fromArray(KeyIndex, DoubleList) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
Create a map from an array and index mapping.
- fromCollection(Collection<Long>, boolean) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Create a key set from a collection of keys.
- fromCollection(Collection<Long>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Create a key set from a collection of keys.
- fromCollection(Collection<Long>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Create a key set from a collection of keys.
- fromCSV(BufferedReader) - Static method in class org.lenskit.basic.PrecomputedItemScorer
Read predictions from a CSV file.
- fromEntry(Map.Entry<Long, Double>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.Results
Convert a map entry to a basic result.
- fromEntryFunction() - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.Results
Function to convert map entries to basic results.
- fromJSON(JsonNode, URI) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.EntitySources
Configure an entity source from JSON data.
- fromJSON(JsonNode, URI) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Parse a JSON description of a data set.
- fromJSON(String, JsonNode, URI) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Parse a JSON description of a data set.
- fromJSON(JsonNode, URI) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Load one or more data sets from JSON data.
- fromJSON(JsonNode, URI) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
Create a predict eval task from a JSON/YAML file.
- fromJSON(JsonNode, URI) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Parse a recommend task from JSON.
- fromList(Collection<? extends Entity>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Create a static data source from a list/collection.
- fromMap(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.MetricResult
Create an empty metric result.
- fromNullable(MetricResult) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.MetricResult
Convert a null result to an empty result.
- fromStream(ObjectStream<Event>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EventCollectionDAO
Create a new data source from a stream of events.
- fromString(String) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomain
Parse a preference domain from a string specification.
- fromString(String) - Static method in enum org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.SortOrder
- frozenCopy() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
- frozenCopy() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
Make an immutable copy of this index mapping.
- frozenCopy() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyIndex
Get a frozen copy of this key index.
- frozenCopy() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
- FrozenHashKeyIndex - Class in org.lenskit.util.keys
Immutable key index backed by a hash table.
- frozenMap(Map<Long, Double>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Create a frozen long-to-double map.
- frozenSet(Collection<Long>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Create a frozen long set.
- Functional - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util
Functional-style utilities to go with Guava.
- FunkSVDItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
Do recommendations and predictions based on SVD matrix factorization.
- FunkSVDItemScorer(FunkSVDModel, ItemScorer, PreferenceDomain) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDItemScorer
Construct the item scorer.
- FunkSVDModel - Class in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
Model for FunkSVD recommendation.
- FunkSVDModel(RealMatrix, RealMatrix, KeyIndex, KeyIndex, List<FeatureInfo>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModel
- FunkSVDModelProvider - Class in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
SVD recommender builder using gradient descent (Funk SVD).
- FunkSVDModelProvider(RatingMatrix, FunkSVDUpdateRule, int, double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelProvider
- FunkSVDUpdater - Class in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
Encapsulation of the FunkSVD update process.
- FunkSVDUpdateRule - Class in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
Configuration for computing FunkSVD updates.
- FunkSVDUpdateRule(double, double, ItemScorer, PreferenceDomain, StoppingCondition) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdateRule
Construct a new FunkSVD configuration.
- get(int) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.PackedScoredIdList
- get() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.RandomProvider
- get(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Get the value for key.
- get(long, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Get the value for key.
- get(VectorEntry) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Get the value for the entry’s key.
- get(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ResultMap
Get a result without boxing the key.
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.baseline.LeastSquaresItemScorer.Builder
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackItemScorer.DynamicProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.GlobalAverageRatingBiasModelProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.ItemAverageRatingBiasModelProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.UserAverageRatingBiasModelProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.UserItemAverageRatingBiasModelProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemDAO.DynamicProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemEventDAO.DynamicProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeUserDAO.DynamicProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeUserEventDAO.DynamicProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Get the data access object.
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.GroupedQuery
Get the grouped entities as a list of groups.
- get() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.Query
Get the results of this query as a list.
- get(TypedName<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
Get the value of an attribute.
- get(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
Get the value of an attribute by name.
- get(TypedName<T>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the value of an attribute.
- get(String) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the value of an attribute by name.
- get(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- get(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicUserHistory
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO.Loader
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO.Builder
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PackedRatingMatrixProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingSummaryProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.DefaultNeighborIterationStrategyProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContextProvider
Constructs and returns a new ItemItemBuildContext.
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemModelProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemwiseBuildContextProvider
Constructs and returns a new ItemItemBuildContext.
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.NormalizingItemItemModelProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.StandardVectorTruncatorProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserSnapshot.Builder
- get(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
Get a particular component from the recommender session.
- get(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
Get a particular qualified component from the recommender session.
- get(Annotation, Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
Get a particular qualified component from the recommender session.
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelProvider
- get(RatingMatrixEntry) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.TrainingEstimator
Get the estimate for a getEntry.
- get(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- get(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultMap
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneModelProvider
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.MeanVarianceNormalizer.Builder
- get() - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.quantize.PreferenceDomainQuantizer.AutoProvider
- get(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- get(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
- getActiveMask() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Get the active keys as a bit set.
- getAggregateColumnLabels() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.Metric
Get labels for the aggregate columns output by this metric.
- getAggregateMeasurements(X) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.Metric
Get the aggregate results from an accumulator.
- getAggregateMeasurements(CoveragePredictMetric.Context) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.CoveragePredictMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(MAEPredictMetric.Context) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.MAEPredictMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(MeanAccumulator) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.NDCGPredictMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(RMSEPredictMetric.Context) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.RMSEPredictMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(TopNEntropyMetric.Context) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNEntropyMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(MeanAccumulator) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNLengthMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(TopNMAPMetric.Context) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMAPMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(TopNMRRMetric.Context) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMRRMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(MeanAccumulator) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(MeanAccumulator) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDPMMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(TopNPopularityMetric.Context) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPopularityMetric
- getAggregateMeasurements(TopNPrecisionRecallMetric.Context) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPrecisionRecallMetric
- getAlgorithmColumn(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.ExperimentOutputLayout
- getAlgorithms() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Get the algorithm instances.
- getAllAttributes() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
Get all attributes of this algorithm instance.
- getAllItems() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
- getAllItems() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector.ItemSelectScript
Get the set of all items.
- getAllMetrics() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
Get the list of all metrics.
- getAllMetrics() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Get the list of all metrics.
- getAttribute() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.SortKey
Get the attribute to sort by.
- getAttribute() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDerivation
Get the source attribute for the derivation.
- getAttributeDefaults(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDefaults
Look up the default attribute descriptor (typed name) for a particular attribute name.
- getAttributeNames() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
Get the names of the attributes in this entity.
- getAttributeNames() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the names of the attributes in this entity.
- getAttributes() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
Get the attribute-value pairs.
- getAttributes() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the attribute-value pairs.
- getAttributes() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstance
Get the attributes of this algorithm.
- getAttributes() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
Get the attributes of this algorithm instance.
- getAttributes() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Get the data set attributes (used for identification in output).
- getAttributes() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSetBuilder
- getAttributes() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.MultiAlgorithmDSL
- getAverageUserVector() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModel
- getBaselineScorer() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackItemScorer
Get the baseline scorer from this item scorer.
- getBaseURI() - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigDSL
Get the base URL for this configuration.
- getBindings() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
- getBoolean(TypedName<Boolean>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
Get the value of a attr that contains a boolean.
- getBoolean(TypedName<Boolean>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the value of a attr that contains a boolean.
- getCache() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.SimpleCachingItemScorer
- getCacheDirectory() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Get the cache directory for model components.
- getCandidateNeighbors(long, LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.LiveNeighborFinder
- getCandidateNeighbors(long, LongSet) - Method in interface org.lenskit.knn.user.NeighborFinder
Get potential neighbors for a particular user.
- getCandidateNeighbors(long, LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.SnapshotNeighborFinder
- getCandidateSelector() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Get the active candidate selector.
- getChannel(TypedSymbol<K>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.ImmutableSparseVector
- getChannel(TypedSymbol<K>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
- getChannel(TypedSymbol<K>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Fetch the channel stored under a particular typed symbol.
- getChannels() - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredId
Get the channels associated with a scored ID.
- getChannelSymbols() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.AbstractScoredId
- getChannelSymbols() - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredId
Determine the typed symbols associated with all side channels of a ScoredId
- getChannelSymbols() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.ImmutableSparseVector
- getChannelSymbols() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
- getChannelSymbols() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Retrieve all symbols that map to typed side channels for this vector.
- getChannelValue(TypedSymbol<T>) - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredId
Get the value for a channel.
- getChannelVector(Symbol) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.ImmutableSparseVector
- getChannelVector(Symbol) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
- getChannelVector(Symbol) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Get the vector associated with a particular unboxed channel.
- getChannelVectorSymbols() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.ImmutableSparseVector
- getChannelVectorSymbols() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
- getChannelVectorSymbols() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Retrieve all symbols that map to side channels for this vector.
- getClassLoader() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.ScriptEnvironment
Get the class loader for this script environment.
- getClassLoader() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Get the class loader for this experiment.
- getClassLoader() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineBuilder
Get the class loader this builder will use.
- getClassLoader() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineLoader
Get the configured class loader.
- getClasspath() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.ScriptEnvironment
Get the classpath.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayout
Get the number of columns in this layout.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayoutBuilder
Get the number of columns currently in the layout.
- getColumnLabels() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.Metric
Get the labels for the per-user or per-result columns output by this metric.
- getColumnList() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
- getColumnName() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.NDCGPredictMetric.Spec
- getColumnName() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric.Spec
- getColumnName() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDPMMetric.Spec
- getColumns(Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.TypedMetricResult
Get the columns for a typed metric result class.
- getColumns(Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>, String) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.TypedMetricResult
Get the columns for a typed metric result class.
- getColumns() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayout
Get the headers of the columns.
- getCommonAttributes() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDefaults
Get the set of attributes that can typically be associated with this entity type.
- getComponent(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
Get the component of a particular type, if one is already instantiated.
- getCompressorName() - Method in enum org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.CompressionMode
- getConditionColumnCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.ExperimentOutputLayout
- getConditionLayout() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.ExperimentOutputLayout
- getConfig() - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigDSL
Get the LensKit configuration being configured.
- getConfig() - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigScript
- getConfig() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
Get the LensKit configuration.
- getConfigFiles() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.RecommenderLoader
- getConfigLoader() - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigDSL
Get the configuration loader associated with this DSL (used to power the #include(java.io.File)
- getConfiguration() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.InputData
- getConfigurations() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstance
Get the recommender configurations.
- getConfigurations() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
Get the list of configurations that comprise this instance.
- getContext() - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
Get the LensKit context.
- getCoratings(long, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneModel
- getCount() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MeanAccumulator
- getCount() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MutualInformationAccumulator
Get the number of events.
- getCount() - Method in interface org.lenskit.transform.quantize.Quantizer
Get the number of discrete values the output can take.
- getCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.quantize.ValueArrayQuantizer
- getCoverage() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.CoveragePredictMetric.Coverage
- getDamping() - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.MeanVarianceNormalizer
Get the damping term.
- getDAO() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.InputData
Get the data access object from the input data.
- getDataColumn(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.ExperimentOutputLayout
- getDataSets() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Get the train-test splits as data sets.
- getDataSets() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Get the list of data sets to use.
- getDefaultBuilder() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDefaults
Get the default entity builder for this entity type.
- getDefaultCachePolicy() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.PlaceholderSatisfaction
- getDefaultColumns() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDefaults
Get the default columns for an entity type.
- getDefaultDerivations() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDefaults
Get the default entity derivations.
- getDefaultExcludes(LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemBasedItemRecommender
Get the default exclude set for a item in the global recommendation.
- getDefaultExcludes(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemRecommender
Get the default exclude set for a user.
- getDefaultExcludes(UserHistory<? extends Event>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemRecommender
Get the default exclude set for a user.
- getDelegate() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SignificanceWeightedVectorSimilarity
Get the underlying similarity (for debuggin purposes).
- getDelegate() - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigScript
Get the delegate.
- getDelimiter(Namespace) - Static method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Crossfold
- getDelimiter() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Get the delimiter for the entity format.
- getDependencies() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.PlaceholderSatisfaction
- getDeviation(long, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneModel
- getDirectory() - Method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
- getDiscount() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.NDCGPredictMetric.Spec
- getDiscount() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric.Spec
- getDistribution() - Method in class org.lenskit.predict.ordrec.OrdRecRatingPredictor.FullResult
Get the probability distribution from this result.
- getDomain() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdateRule
- getDomain() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
- getDouble(TypedName<Double>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
Get the value of a attr that contains a double.
- getDouble(TypedName<Double>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the value of a attr that contains a double.
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.DoubleSymbolValue
- getEffectiveCompressionMode(String) - Method in enum org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.CompressionMode
Get the effective compression mode.
- getEntities(Object) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityIndex
Get the entities with the associated attribute value.
- getEntityBuilder() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Get the entity builder class.
- getEntityIds(EntityType) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.DataAccessObject
Get the IDs of all entities with a particular type.
- getEntityIds(EntityType) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAO
- getEntityType() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQuery
Get the entity type to return.
- getEntityType() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Get the entity type.
- getEntityType() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.file.EntityFormat
Get the type of entities returned by this format.
- getEntityType() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDefaults
Get the entity type this set of defaults describes.
- getEntityType() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Get the entity type that this crossfolder will crossfold.
- getEntityTypes() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.DataAccessObject
Get the types of entities that are available in this DAO.
- getEntityTypes() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAO
- getEntityTypes() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAOBuilder
Get the entity types registered with this builder so far.
- getErasedType() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.PlaceholderSatisfaction
- getError() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdater
Get the error from the prepared update.
- getEventBuilder(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.events.EventTypeResolver
Get an event builder for the specified type name.
- getEventBuilder(Class<? extends Event>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.events.EventTypeResolver
- getEventComparator() - Method in enum org.lenskit.data.dao.SortOrder
Get the event comparator for a sort order.
- getEventDAO() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.InputData
- getEventsForItem(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- getEventsForItem(long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- getEventsForItem(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemEventDAO
- getEventsForItem(long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemEventDAO
- getEventsForItem(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.ItemEventDAO
Get the events for a specific item.
- getEventsForItem(long, Class<E>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.ItemEventDAO
Get the events for a specific item, filtering by type.
- getEventsForItem(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingItemEventDAO
- getEventsForItem(long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingItemEventDAO
- getEventsForItem(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- getEventsForItem(long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- getEventsForItem(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- getEventsForItem(long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- getEventsForUser(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- getEventsForUser(long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- getEventsForUser(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeUserEventDAO
- getEventsForUser(long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeUserEventDAO
- getEventsForUser(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingUserEventDAO
- getEventsForUser(long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingUserEventDAO
- getEventsForUser(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.UserEventDAO
Get the events for a specific user.
- getEventsForUser(long, Class<E>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.UserEventDAO
Get the events for a specific user, filtering by type.
- getEventsForUser(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- getEventsForUser(long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- getEventsForUser(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- getEventsForUser(long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- getExcludeSelector() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Get the active exclude selector.
- getExperiment() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Provides raw unrestricted access to the experiment.
- getExtendedOutputFile() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
Get the output file for extended output (lines of JSON).
- getExtension() - Method in enum org.lenskit.data.output.OutputFormat
Get the file extension for the output format.
- getF1() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPrecisionRecallMetric.PresRecResult
- getFeature() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo.Builder
Get the feature’s number.
- getFeature() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo
Get the feature number.
- getFeatureCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
Get the model’s feature count.
- getFeatureInfo(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModel
- getFeatureInfo() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModel
Get the metadata about all features.
- getFile() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Get the input file path.
- getFilterFields() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQuery
Get the field filters.
- getFinalResult() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.RescoredResult
Get the final result (after rescoring).
- getFormat() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Get the entity format for the reader.
- getGlobalColumns() - Method in interface org.lenskit.eval.traintest.EvalTask
Get columns that will go in the aggregate output file.
- getGlobalColumns() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
- getGlobalColumns() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
- getGlobalMean() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingSummary
- getGlobalVariance() - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.MeanVarianceNormalizer
Get the global variance.
- getGoodItems() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.PRMetricSpec
- getGraph() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderInstantiator
Get the graph from this instantiator.
- getGraph() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
Get the dependency graph of the recommender engine.
- getHalfLife() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.ExponentialDiscount
Get the half-life of the discount function.
- getHeaderLines() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Get the number of header lines to read.
- getHeaderLines() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.file.EntityFormat
Get the number of header lines this format uses.
- getHeadRevision() - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitInfo
Get the HEAD revision from which LensKit was built.
- getHelp() - Method in interface org.lenskit.cli.Command
Get the command’s help.
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Crossfold
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.GlobalRecommend
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Graph
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.PackRatings
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Predict
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Recommend
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.RunScript
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Simulate
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.TrainModel
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.TrainTest
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.ValidatePack
- getHelp() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Version
- getId() - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredId
Retrieve the numerical identifier of this ScoredId
- getId() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.Result
Get the ID for the result.
- getId() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackResult
- getId() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.SimpleCachingItemScorer
- getId() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
- getId() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the identifier of this entity.
- getId() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Get the rating ID.
- getId() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
- getId() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.RescoredResult
- getId() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.IdBox
Get the ID associated with the object.
- getIdSet(PreparedStatement) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- getIndex(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Get the index for a key, regardless of its active state.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrixEntry
Get the index of this rating in the list of ratings in the matrix.
- getIndex(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
- getIndex(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
- getIndex(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyIndex
Get the index of a key.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
Get the underlying key index implementation.
- getIndex(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
- getIndexIfActive(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Get the index for a key if that key is active.
- getIndexValue(int) - Method in interface org.lenskit.transform.quantize.Quantizer
Get the value corresponding to a quantized value, based on the index into the list of possible values.
- getIndexValue(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.quantize.ValueArrayQuantizer
- getInnerResult() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackResult
Get the result from the scorer that produced this score.
- getInstance(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.StaticInjector
- getInstance(Annotation, Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.StaticInjector
- getInstances() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.MultiAlgorithmDSL
- getInteger(TypedName<Integer>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
Get the value of a attr that contains a int.
- getInteger(TypedName<Integer>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the value of a attr that contains a int.
- getIntercept() - Method in interface org.lenskit.bias.BiasModel
Get the global bias (intercept).
- getIntercept() - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.GlobalBiasModel
- getIntercept() - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.LiveUserItemBiasModel
- getIntercept() - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.UserItemBiasModel
- getIsolationGroup() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Get the isolation group ID for this data set.
- getItemAverage() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo.Builder
- getItemAverage() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo
Get the item average value of this feature.
- getItemBasedItemRecommender() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.Recommender
Get the recommender’s item-based item recommender.
- getItemBasedItemRecommender() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
- getItemBasedItemScorer() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.Recommender
Get the recommender’s item-based item scorer.
- getItemBasedItemScorer() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
- getItemBias(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.bias.BiasModel
Get the item bias.
- getItemBias(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.GlobalBiasModel
- getItemBias(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.LiveUserItemBiasModel
- getItemBias(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.UserItemBiasModel
- getItemBiases(LongSet) - Method in interface org.lenskit.bias.BiasModel
Get a set of item biases.
- getItemBiases(LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.GlobalBiasModel
- getItemBiases(LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.LiveUserItemBiasModel
- getItemBiases(LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.UserItemBiasModel
- getItemColumn() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Get the name of the item ID column in the rating table.
- getItemColumn() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- getItemCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
The number of items.
- getItemFeature(long, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
Get a particular feature value for an item.
- getItemFeatureUpdate() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdater
Get the update for the item-feature value.
- getItemId() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.events.Event
Get the item ID.
- getItemId() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- getItemId() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.history.ItemEventCollection
Get the item ID associated with this collection.
- getItemId() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.ratings.Preference
Get the ID of the item the preference is for.
- getItemId() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.Rating
- getItemId() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Get the item ID.
- getItemId() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrixEntry
Get the item ID for this rating matrix entry.
- getItemIds() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- getItemIds() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemDAO
- getItemIds() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.ItemDAO
Get all known item IDs.
- getItemIds() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingItemDAO
- getItemIds() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- getItemIds() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- getItemIds() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PackedRatingMatrix
- getItemIds() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrix
Get the set of item IDs in the snapshot.
- getItemIndex() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrixEntry
Get the 0-based item index for this rating matrix entry.
- getItemIndex() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
The item index mapping.
- getItemMatrix() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
Get the item matrix.
- getItemMean(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingSummary
Get the mean rating for an item.
- getItemName(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemNameDAO
- getItemName(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.ItemNameDAO
Get the name for an item.
- getItemOffets() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingSummary
- getItemOffset(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingSummary
Get the item’s average offset from global mean.
- getItemPairIterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext
- getItemPairs() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext
- getItemRatingCount(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingSummary
Get the number of ratings for the item.
- getItemRecommender() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.Recommender
Get the recommender’s item recommender.
- getItemRecommender() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
- getItems() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingSummary
- getItems() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext
Get the set of items.
- getItemScorer() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.Recommender
Get the recommender’s item scorer.
- getItemScorer() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.SimpleRatingPredictor
- getItemScorer() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
- getItemUniverse() - Method in interface org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemModel
Get the set of all items in the model.
- getItemUniverse() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.SimilarityMatrixModel
- getItemUsers(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserSnapshot
- getItemVector(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
- getIterationCount() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.IterationCountStoppingCondition
Get the number of iterations the stopper requires.
- getIterationCount() - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.TrainingLoopController
Get the current iteration count.
- getIterCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo
Get the iteration count for the feature.
- getKey(int) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Get the key at an index.
- getKey() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.VectorEntry
Get the key at this entry.
- getKey() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
- getKey() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.IdBox
- getKey(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
- getKey(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
- getKey() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObject
Get the key for this object.
- getKey(T) - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyExtractor
Get the key for an object.
- getKey(int) - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyIndex
Get the key for an index position.
- getKey(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Get the key at an index.
- getKeyByIndex(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
Get a key by its position in the map.
- getKeyList() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
- getKeyList() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
- getKeyList() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyIndex
Get the list of indexed keys.
- getKeyList() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Get the key set’s list of keys (domain) as a list.
- getLabelPrefix() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Get the prefix applied to column labels.
- getLastDeltaRMSE() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo
Get the last delta RMSE of the feature.
- getLastRMSE() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo
Get the last training RMSE of the feature.
- getLayout() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.Table
Get the layout of this table.
- getLayout() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.TableBuilder
- getLayout() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.writer.CSVWriter
- getLayout() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.table.writer.MultiplexedTableWriter
- getLayout() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.writer.TableWriter
Get the layout of this table.
- getLearningRate() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdateRule
- getLeft() - Method in class org.lenskit.hybrid.RankBlendResult
Get the left result.
- getLeftRank() - Method in class org.lenskit.hybrid.RankBlendResult
Get the left rank.
- getLimitTimestamp() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.LineStream
- getListSize() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
- getListSize() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Get the list size to use.
- getLogBase() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.LogDiscount
Get the log base from the discount.
- getLong(int) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- getLong(TypedName<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
Get the value of a attribute that contains a long.
- getLong(TypedName<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the value of a attribute that contains a long.
- getLowerBound() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
- getLowerBound() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
- getLowerBound() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyIndex
Get the lower bound of the index range for this index.
- getLowerBound() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Get the lower bound of this index.
- getMaximum() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomain
The maximum preference value.
- getMaximum() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomainBuilder
Get the maximum preference.
- getMean() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MeanAccumulator
- getMetadata() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.file.EntitySource
Get metadata from this entity source.
- getMetadata() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
- getMethod() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Get the method to be used for crossfolding.
- getMetricTypeName(JsonNode) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.MetricLoaderHelper
Get the metric type name from a node.
- getMinimum() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomain
The minimum preference value.
- getMinimum() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomainBuilder
Get the minimum preference.
- getMinimumIterations() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.ErrorThresholdStoppingCondition
Get the minimum iteration count.
- getMinimumIterations() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.ThresholdStoppingCondition
Get the minimum iteration count.
- getModel() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDItemScorer
- getModel() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.BiasedMFItemScorer
- getModel() - Method in class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneItemScorer
- getMutualInformation() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MutualInformationAccumulator
Get the mutual information.
- getName() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.Symbol
Get the name for a symbol.
- getName() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.TypedSymbol
Get the name for a symbol.
- getName() - Method in interface org.lenskit.cli.Command
Get the name of the command.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Crossfold
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.GlobalRecommend
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Graph
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.PackRatings
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Predict
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Recommend
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.RunScript
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Simulate
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.TrainModel
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.TrainTest
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.ValidatePack
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Version
- getName() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.file.EntitySource
Get the name of this entity source.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Get the name of this source.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Get the name of this data source.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Attribute
Get the attribute’s name.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityType
Get the name of this entity type.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.TypedName
Get the underlying name.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Get the visible name of this crossfold split.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstance
Get the name of this algorithm.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
Get the algorithm name.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Get the data set name.
- getName() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSetBuilder
- getNeighborhoodSize() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemResult
Get the number of neighbors used to score this item.
- getNeighborhoodSize() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserUserResult
Get the neighborhood size for this result.
- getNeighbors(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemModel
Get the neighbors of an item scored by similarity.
- getNeighbors(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.SimilarityMatrixModel
- getNeighborWeight() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemResult
Get the total weight of the neighborhood.
- getNormalizedUserVector(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserSnapshot
- getNormalizer() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemScorer
- getOrAddChannel(TypedSymbol<K>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Add a typed channel to the vector, even if there is already a channel with the same symbol.
- getOrAddChannelVector(Symbol) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Add a channel to the vector, even if there is already a channel with the same symbol.
- getOrder() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.SortKey
Get the sort order.
- getOriginalResult() - Method in class org.lenskit.predict.ordrec.OrdRecRatingPredictor.FullResult
Get the original result.
- getOriginalResult() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.RescoredResult
Get the original result (before rescoring).
- getOutputDir() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Get the output directory.
- getOutputFile() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
- getOutputFile() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
Get the output file for writing predictions.
- getOutputFile() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Get the output file for writing predictions.
- getOutputFile() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Get the primary output file.
- getOutputFormat() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Get the output format for the crossfolder.
- getOutputLayout() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
- getPackages(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.ClassDirectory
Get the packages that contain a class with the specified name.
- getParsedDiscount() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.NDCGPredictMetric.Spec
- getParsedDiscount() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric.Spec
- getPartitionCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Get the partition count.
- getPlaceholderNodes(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.GraphtUtils
Get the placeholder nodes from a graph.
- getPrecision() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomain
The precision of preference values.
- getPrecision() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomainBuilder
Get the preference precision.
- getPredictableItems(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemRecommender
Determine the items for which predictions can be made for a certain user.
- getPredictMetrics() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
Get the list of prediction metrics.
- getPreferenceDomain() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.SimpleRatingPredictor
- getPreferenceDomain() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
- getPreferenceDomain() - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.quantize.PreferenceDomainQuantizer
- getPrimaryScorer() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackItemScorer
Get the primary scorer from this item scorer.
- getProperties() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.ScriptEnvironment
Get the properties defined by the command line.
- getQueryData() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Get the query data.
- getQueryId() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.QueryKey
- getQueryType() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.QueryKey
- getRating() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Get the rating.
- getRatingColumn() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Get the name of the rating column in the rating table.
- getRatingColumn() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- getRatingCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingPacker
- getRatingPredictor() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.Recommender
Get the recommender’s rating scorer.
- getRatingPredictor() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
- getRatings() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PackedRatingMatrix
- getRatings() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrix
Get the collection of ratings in the snapshot.
- getRawSymbol() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.SymbolValue
Get the raw
from the symbol value.
- getRawSymbol() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.TypedSymbol
Get the symbol.
- getRebuildPeriod() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
- getRecipRank() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMRRMetric.UserResult
- getRecommender() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector.ItemSelectScript
Get the recommender object.
- getRequiredRoots() - Method in interface org.lenskit.eval.traintest.EvalTask
Get the root types required by this evaluation.
- getRequiredRoots() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.Metric
Get the classes on which this metric depends.
- getRequiredRoots() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
- getRequiredRoots() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
- getRequiredRoots() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPopularityMetric
- getRevisions() - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitInfo
Get the set of revisions LensKit is built from.
- getRight() - Method in class org.lenskit.hybrid.RankBlendResult
Get the right result.
- getRightRank() - Method in class org.lenskit.hybrid.RankBlendResult
Get the right rank
- getRMSE() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdater
Get the RMSE of all updates done since the last reset.
- getRoots() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
- getScore() - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredId
Retrieve the score of this ScoredId
- getScore() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.Result
Get the score (value) associated with this result.
- getScore(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ResultMap
Get the score associated with an ID.
- getScore() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackResult
- getScore() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
- getScore(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultMap
- getScore() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.RescoredResult
- getScorer() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemRecommender
- getSeenItems() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUser
The set of items this user has seen in either training or test.
- getShareableNodes(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.GraphtUtils
Find the set of shareable nodes (objects that will be replaced with instance satisfactions in the final graph).
- getShareModelComponents() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Query whether this experiment will cache and share components.
- getSingularValue() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo.Builder
- getSingularValue() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo
Get the singular value of this feature.
- getSkipIfUpToDate() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
- getSortKeys() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQuery
Get the sort keys.
- getSource() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.InputData
- getSource() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Get the data source backing this crossfold manager.
- getSource() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector.GroovyItemSelector
Get the Groovy source of this item selector.
- getSources() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Get the list of entity sources.
- getSourcesForType(EntityType) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Get the entity sources producing a particular type.
- getSourceType() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDerivation
Get the source types for the derivation.
- getStagingFile() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.StagedWrite
Get the working file for this staging file.
- getStatementFactory() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
Get the statement factory the DAO will use.
- getStoppingCondition() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdateRule
- getSuffix() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.PRMetricSpec
- getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.LenskitAnnotationProcessor
- getSymbol() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.DoubleSymbolValue
- getSymbol() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.SymbolValue
- getTableName() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Get the name of the rating table.
- getTableName() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- getTargetFile() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.StagedWrite
Get the target file for this staging file.
- getTasks() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Get the eval tasks to be used in this experiment.
- getTestData() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Get the training data.
- getTestHistory() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUser
Return this user’s test history.
- getTestItems() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUser
- getTestRatings() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUser
Get the user’s test ratings.
- getThreadCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Get the number of threads that the experiment may use.
- getThreshold() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.ErrorThresholdStoppingCondition
Get the stopper’s threshold.
- getThreshold() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.ThresholdStoppingCondition
Get the stopper’s threshold.
- getTimestamp() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.events.Event
Get the event timestamp.
- getTimestamp() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.Rating
- getTimestamp() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Get the timestamp.
- getTimestampColumn() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Get the name of the timestamp column in the rating table (or null
if there is no timestamp column).
- getTimestampColumn() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- getTopNMetrics() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Get the list of prediction metrics.
- getTotal() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MeanAccumulator
Get the total of the values accumulated so far.
- getTotalNeighborWeight() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserUserResult
Get the total neighbor weight for this result.
- getTrainHistory() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUser
Return this user’s training history.
- getTrainingData() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Get the training data.
- getTrainingErrors() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo
Get the training error for each iteration.
- getTrainingLoopController() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdateRule
- getTrainingRegularization() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdateRule
- getTrainItems() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUser
- getType() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.TypedSymbol
Get the type for a typed symbol.
- getType() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
- getType() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Attribute
Get the attribute’s type.
- getType() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the type of this entity.
- getType() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollection
Get the type of entity stored in this collection.
- getType() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDerivation
Get the entity type to be derived.
- getType() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.TypedName
Get the type.
- getType() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.PlaceholderSatisfaction
- getTypedAttributeNames() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.entities.Entity
Get the attributes in this entity.
- getTypedAttributeNames() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.Rating
- getTypedName() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Attribute
Get the attribute’s typed name.
- getTypes() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.file.EntitySource
Get the entity types produced by this source.
- getTypes() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
- getUnboxedChannels() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.AbstractScoredId
- getUnboxedChannels() - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredId
Get the unboxed channels associated with a scored ID.
- getUnboxedChannelSymbols() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.AbstractScoredId
- getUnboxedChannelSymbols() - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredId
Determine the symbols associated with all unboxed double side channels of a ScoredId
- getUnboxedChannelValue(Symbol) - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredId
Get the unboxed value for a channel.
- getUnseenItems(TestUser) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector.ItemSelectScript
Method that returns all items except the ones present in the user’s test or train sets.
- getUpdateCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdater
Get the number of updates this updater has prepared since the last reset.
- getUpperBound() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
- getUpperBound() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
- getUpperBound() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyIndex
Get the upper bound of the index range for this index.
- getUpperBound() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Get the upper bound of this index.
- getURL() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Get the source file for this data source.
- getUser() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector.ItemSelectScript
Get the user being tested.
- getUserAverage() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo.Builder
- getUserAverage() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo
Get the user average value of this feature.
- getUserBias(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.bias.BiasModel
Get the user bias.
- getUserBias(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.GlobalBiasModel
- getUserBias(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.LiveUserItemBiasModel
- getUserBias(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.UserItemBiasModel
- getUserBiases(LongSet) - Method in interface org.lenskit.bias.BiasModel
Get a set of user biases.
- getUserBiases(LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.GlobalBiasModel
- getUserBiases(LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.LiveUserItemBiasModel
- getUserBiases(LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.UserItemBiasModel
- getUserColumn() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Get the name of the user ID column in the rating table.
- getUserColumn() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- getUserColumns() - Method in interface org.lenskit.eval.traintest.EvalTask
Get columns that will go in the per-user output file.
- getUserColumns() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
- getUserColumns() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
- getUserCount() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
The number of users.
- getUserFeature(long, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
Get a particular feature value for an user.
- getUserFeatureUpdate() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdater
Get the update for the user-feature value.
- getUserId() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.events.Event
Get the ID of the user responsible for the event.
- getUserId() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicUserHistory
- getUserId() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.history.UserHistory
Retrieve the user ID.
- getUserId() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.ratings.Preference
Get the ID of the user whose preference this is.
- getUserId() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.Rating
- getUserId() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Get the user ID.
- getUserId() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrixEntry
Get the user ID for this rating matrix entry.
- getUserId() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUser
Get the ID of this user.
- getUserIds() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- getUserIds() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeUserDAO
- getUserIds() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingUserDAO
- getUserIds() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.UserDAO
Get all known user IDs.
- getUserIds() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- getUserIds() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- getUserIds() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PackedRatingMatrix
- getUserIds() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrix
Get the set of user IDs in the snapshot.
- getUserIndex() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrixEntry
Get the 0-based user index for this rating matrix entry.
- getUserIndex() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
The user index mapping.
- getUserItems(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext
Get the items rated by a particular user.
- getUserMatrix() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
Get the user matrix.
- getUserOutputFile() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Get the per-user output file.
- getUserPreferenceVector(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.BiasedMFItemScorer
Get a user’s preference vector.
- getUserRatings(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PackedRatingMatrix
- getUserRatings(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrix
Get the ratings for a particular user.
- getUserRatingVector(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PackedRatingMatrix
- getUserRatingVector(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrix
Get the current preferences of a particular user as a vector.
- getUsersForItem(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- getUsersForItem(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemEventDAO
- getUsersForItem(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.ItemEventDAO
Get the users who have interacted with an item.
- getUsersForItem(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingItemEventDAO
- getUsersForItem(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- getUsersForItem(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- getUserVector(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserSnapshot
- getUserVector(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
- getV1Entropy() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MutualInformationAccumulator
Get the entropy of the first variable.
- getV2Entropy() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MutualInformationAccumulator
Get the entropy of the second variable.
- getValue() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.DoubleSymbolValue
- getValue() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.SymbolValue
- getValue() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold.RealThreshold
Get the threshold value.
- getValue() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.VectorEntry
Get the value at this entry.
- getValue() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Attribute
Get the attribute’s value.
- getValue() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.ratings.Preference
Get the preference value.
- getValue() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.Rating
Get the rating value.
- getValue() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrixEntry
Get the value of this rating matrix entry.
- getValue() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.IdBox
Get the value associated with the object.
- getValueByIndex(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
Get a value by its position in the map.
- getValues() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.MetricResult
Get the column values for this metric result.
- getValues() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.TypedMetricResult
- getValues() - Method in interface org.lenskit.transform.quantize.Quantizer
Get the possible values into which this quantizer will map input values.
- getValues() - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.quantize.ValueArrayQuantizer
- getVector() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.VectorEntry
Get the sparse vector associated with this entry.
- getVectorNormalizer() - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.DefaultUserVectorNormalizer
Get the delegate vector normalizer.
- getViewType() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQuery
Get the type to view results as.
- getWorkDir() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Get the working directory for the evaluator.
- getWriteTimestamps() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Query whether timestamps will be written.
- GlobalAverageRatingBiasModelProvider - Class in org.lenskit.bias
Compute a bias model with the global average rating.
- GlobalAverageRatingBiasModelProvider(DataAccessObject) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.bias.GlobalAverageRatingBiasModelProvider
- GlobalBiasModel - Class in org.lenskit.bias
Bias model that only uses a global bias.
- GlobalBiasModel(double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.bias.GlobalBiasModel
Construct a new global bias model.
- globalMean() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.IdMeanAccumulator
Get the global mean.
- GlobalMeanRatingItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.baseline
Item scorer that scores every item with the global mean rating.
- GlobalMeanRatingItemScorer(RatingSummary) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.baseline.GlobalMeanRatingItemScorer
- GlobalRecommend - Class in org.lenskit.cli.commands
Generate Top-N non-personalized recommendations.
- GlobalRecommend() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.commands.GlobalRecommend
- Graph - Class in org.lenskit.cli.commands
Command that draws a diagram of a recommender configuration.
- Graph() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Graph
- GraphDumper - Class in org.lenskit.graph
Class to manage traversing nodes.
- GraphtUtils - Class in org.lenskit.inject
Helper utilities for Grapht integration.
- GroovyUtils - Class in org.lenskit.config
Support utilities for LensKit’s use of Groovy.
- groupBy(TypedName<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.Query
Group the results of this query by an attribute.
- groupBy(String) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.Query
Group the results of this query by an attribute.
- GroupedQuery<E extends Entity> - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
Grouped query interface.
- GroupingObjectStream<C,E> - Class in org.lenskit.util.io
Base class for streams that group the output of another stream.
- GroupingObjectStream(ObjectStream<? extends E>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.io.GroupingObjectStream
- id - Variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
- id - Variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityBuilder
- id - Variable in class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
- IdBox<T> - Class in org.lenskit.util
A box that associates an object with an ID.
- IdBox(long, T) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.IdBox
Construct a new ID box.
- IdentityClampingFunction - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.clamp
Identity clamping function.
- IdentityClampingFunction() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.clamp.IdentityClampingFunction
- IdentityVectorNormalizer - Class in org.lenskit.transform.normalize
Identity normalization (makes no change).
- IdentityVectorNormalizer() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.IdentityVectorNormalizer
- idFunction() - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIds
that extracts the ID from a scored ID.
- idKeyExtractor() - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Entities
Key extractor that keys entities by ID.
- idList() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ResultList
Return a list of the item (or user) IDs in this result list.
- idList() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- idList() - Method in interface org.lenskit.results.LenskitResultList
- IdMeanAccumulator - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util
An accumulator for means associated with IDs.
- IdMeanAccumulator() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.IdMeanAccumulator
- idMeanOffsets(double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.IdMeanAccumulator
Compute mean offsets for each item.
- idMeanOffsets() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.IdMeanAccumulator
Compute offsets from the global mean for each ID.
- idMeans() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.IdMeanAccumulator
Get the per-ID means.
- idOrder() - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIds
An ordering (comparator) that compares IDs by score.
- idOrder() - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.Results
Get an ordering (comparator) that orders results by ID.
- idOrdering() - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Entities
Return an ordering over entities that sorts them by ID.
- idPredicate(long) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Entities
Create a predicate that filters events for an ID.
- idSet - Variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityBuilder
- idSet() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollection
- ignoreUnknownChannels() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
- immutable() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.ImmutableSparseVector
- immutable() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
- immutable() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Return an immutable snapshot of this sparse vector.
- ImmutableSparseVector - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors
- in(Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.AbstractConfigContext
- in(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.AbstractConfigContext
- in(Annotation, Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.AbstractConfigContext
- in(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
- in(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<?>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
- in(Annotation, Class<?>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
- inactiveCopy() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Return a copy of this key set that is entirely inactive.
- include(Closure<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
Use a closure as additional configuration
- include(URI) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
Include another configuration file.
- include(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
Include another configuration file.
- include(Module) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
Include a module in this configuration.
- include(URI) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigDSL
- includesRevision(String) - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitInfo
Query whether this version of LensKit includes a particular revision.
- index(double) - Method in interface org.lenskit.transform.quantize.Quantizer
Convert a value into a discrete, quantized value.
- index(double) - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.quantize.ValueArrayQuantizer
- indexIsActive(int) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Query whether an index is active.
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.LenskitAnnotationProcessor
- InitialFeatureValue - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
The initial value for each feature.
- initialValue - Variable in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelProvider
- InputData - Class in org.lenskit.cli.util
Helper class for managing input data.
- InputData(ScriptEnvironment, Namespace) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.util.InputData
- instantiate(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.NodeInstantiator
Instantiate a particular node in the graph.
- instantiate() - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.NodeProcessors
Create a node processor that will instantiate nodes.
- instantiate(NodeInstantiator) - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.NodeProcessors
Create a node processor that will instantiate nodes.
- instantiate() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderInstantiator
Instantiate the recommender graph.
- internId(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
Get an index for a key, generating a new one if necessary.
- intersectSize(LongSortedSet, LongSortedSet) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Compute the size of the intersection of two sets.
- interval(int, int) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CollectionUtils
Create an
that contains all numbers in a specified interval.
- interval(int, int) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.CollectionUtils
Create an
that contains all numbers in a specified interval.
- invert() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Invert the active status of all keys in the set.
- InvertibleFunction<F,T> - Interface in org.lenskit.util
A function for which an inverse is available.
- isCloseWhenClosed() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- isCompatibleWith(LongKeyDomain) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Query whether this key set is compatible with another.
- isCompletelySet() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Query whether this domain is completely set (has no unset keys).
- isCompressed(File) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Query whether this vector is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- isEmpty() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.ScoredIdAccumulator
Query whether the accumulator is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.TopNScoredIdAccumulator
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.UnlimitedScoredIdAccumulator
- isFromPrimary() - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackResult
Query whether this result came from the primary or the baseline item scorer.
- isInstantiable() - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
Query whether this engine is instantiable.
- isParallel() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.parallel.TaskGroup
Query whether the subtasks will be run in parallel.
- isSet(VectorEntry) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Check whether an entry is set.
- isSet() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.VectorEntry
Query whether this entry is set.
- isShareable(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.GraphtUtils
Determine if a node is a shareable component.
- isSorted(long[], int, int) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.MoreArrays
Check that the array is sorted.
- isSparse() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.CosineVectorSimilarity
- isSparse() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.DistanceVectorSimilarity
- isSparse() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.MutualInformationVectorSimilarity
- isSparse() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.PearsonCorrelation
- isSparse() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SignificanceWeightedVectorSimilarity
- isSparse() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SpearmanRankCorrelation
- isSparse() - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.VectorSimilarity
Query whether this similarity function is sparse (returns 0 for vectors with disjoint key sets).
- isSparse() - Method in interface org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemSimilarity
Query whether this similarity is sparse.
- isSparse() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemVectorSimilarity
- isSparse() - Method in interface org.lenskit.knn.user.UserSimilarity
Query whether this similarity is sparse.
- isSparse() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserVectorSimilarity
- isSymmetric() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.CosineVectorSimilarity
- isSymmetric() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.DistanceVectorSimilarity
- isSymmetric() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.MutualInformationVectorSimilarity
- isSymmetric() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.PearsonCorrelation
- isSymmetric() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SignificanceWeightedVectorSimilarity
- isSymmetric() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SpearmanRankCorrelation
- isSymmetric() - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.VectorSimilarity
Query whether this similarity function is symmetric.
- isSymmetric() - Method in interface org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemSimilarity
Query whether this similarity is symmetric.
- isSymmetric() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemVectorSimilarity
- isSymmetric() - Method in interface org.lenskit.knn.user.UserSimilarity
Query whether this similarity is symmetric.
- isSymmetric() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserVectorSimilarity
- isUpToDate() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.UpToDateChecker
Query if the output is up to date.
- isUpToDate(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.UpToDateChecker
Query if a particular output is up to date.
- isZero(double) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.MathUtils
Check whether a value is zero, using a default epsilon.
- isZero(double, double) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.MathUtils
Check whether a value is zero, using a configurable epsilon.
- isZero(double) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.math.Scalars
Check whether a value is zero, using a default epsilon.
- isZero(double, double) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.math.Scalars
Check whether a value is zero, using a configurable epsilon.
- item(long) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.QueryKey
- ITEM - Static variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.CommonTypes
Type identifier for item entities.
- ITEM_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
- ITEM_ID - Static variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.CommonAttributes
The item ID associated with an entity.
- ITEM_TIME_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.lenskit.data.events.Events
Compare two item events by item, then timestamp.
- ItemAverageRatingBiasModelProvider - Class in org.lenskit.bias
Compute a bias model that returns items’ average ratings.
- ItemAverageRatingBiasModelProvider(RatingSummary) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.bias.ItemAverageRatingBiasModelProvider
- ItemBasedItemRecommender - Interface in org.lenskit.api
Recommends items that go with a set of reference items.
- ItemBasedItemScorer - Interface in org.lenskit.api
Score items with reference to specified item(s).
- ItemBiasModel - Class in org.lenskit.bias
Bias model that provides global and item biases.
- ItemBiasModel(double, Long2DoubleMap) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.bias.ItemBiasModel
Construct a new item bias model.
- itemCount - Variable in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
- itemDAO - Variable in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemBasedItemRecommender
- itemDAO - Variable in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemRecommender
- ItemDAO - Interface in org.lenskit.data.dao
- ItemEventCollection<E extends Event> - Interface in org.lenskit.data.history
A collection of events associated with an item.
- ItemEventDAO - Interface in org.lenskit.data.dao
- itemId1 - Variable in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext.ItemVecPair
- itemId2 - Variable in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext.ItemVecPair
- itemIndex() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PackedRatingMatrix
- itemIndex() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrix
Get the item ID index.
- itemIndex - Variable in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
- ItemItemBuildContext - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item.model
Encapsulation of data needed during an item-item model build.
- ItemItemBuildContext.ItemVecPair - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item.model
A pair of item ids and their corresponding item vectors, avoiding (un)boxing the ids.
- ItemItemBuildContextProvider - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item.model
- ItemItemBuildContextProvider(RatingVectorPDAO, UserVectorNormalizer) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContextProvider
Construct an item-item build context provider.
- ItemItemItemBasedItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item
Score items based on the basket of items using an item-item CF model.
- ItemItemItemBasedItemScorer(ItemItemModel, int) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemItemBasedItemScorer
- ItemItemModel - Interface in org.lenskit.knn.item.model
Item-item similarity model.
- ItemItemModelProvider - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item.model
Build an item-item CF model from rating data.
- ItemItemModelProvider(ItemSimilarity, ItemItemBuildContext, Threshold, NeighborIterationStrategy, int, int) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemModelProvider
- ItemItemResult - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item
The result type for item-item collaborative filtering.
- ItemItemResult(long, double, int, double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemResult
Construct a new item-item CF result.
- ItemItemScoreAccumulator - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item
Score accumulator for item-item recommendation.
- ItemItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item
Score items using an item-item CF model.
- ItemItemScorer(RatingVectorPDAO, ItemItemModel, NeighborhoodScorer, UserVectorNormalizer, int, int) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemScorer
Construct a new item-item scorer.
- itemList() - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.QueryKey
- itemMatrix - Variable in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
- ItemMeanRatingItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.baseline
Rating scorer that returns the item’s mean rating for all predictions.
- ItemMeanRatingItemScorer(RatingSummary, double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.baseline.ItemMeanRatingItemScorer
Construct a new scorer.
- ItemNameDAO - Interface in org.lenskit.data.dao
- itemRanks(LongList) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Compute the ranks for a list of longs.
- itemRatingVector(Collection<? extends Rating>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.Ratings
Construct a rating vector that contains the ratings provided by each user.
- ItemRecommender - Interface in org.lenskit.api
Interface for recommending items.
- ItemScorer - Interface in org.lenskit.api
Score items for users.
- ItemSelector - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Select items for use in recommendation or
- ItemSelector() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector
- ItemSelector.GroovyItemSelector - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Item selector based on a Groovy script.
- ItemSelector.ItemSelectScript - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Base class defining the environment in which item selectors are evaluated.
- ItemSelectScript() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector.ItemSelectScript
- itemSet() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.AbstractUserHistory
- itemSet() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.history.UserHistory
Get the set of items touched by events in this history.
- ItemSimilarity - Interface in org.lenskit.knn.item
Compute the similarity between two items.
- ItemSimilarityThreshold - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.knn.item
Qualifier for threshold applied to item similarities.
- ItemVecPair() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext.ItemVecPair
- itemVector(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext
Get the rating vector for an item.
- ItemVectorNormalizer - Interface in org.lenskit.transform.normalize
Normalizes an item’s vector.
- ItemVectorSimilarity - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item
Implementation of
that delegates to a vector similarity.
- ItemVectorSimilarity(VectorSimilarity) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemVectorSimilarity
- ItemwiseBuildContextProvider - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item.model
- ItemwiseBuildContextProvider(ItemEventDAO, ItemDAO, ItemVectorNormalizer) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemwiseBuildContextProvider
Construct a new build context provider.
- IterationCount - Annotation Type in org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative
The number of iterations to use in an iterative update.
- IterationCountStoppingCondition - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative
Stop once the iteration count has reached a value.
- IterationCountStoppingCondition(int) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.IterationCountStoppingCondition
Construct a new iteration count stopping condition.
- iterator() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- iterator() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
- iterator(VectorEntry.State) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
- iterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollection
- iterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- iterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicUserHistory
- iterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- iterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultMap
- iterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.AbstractObjectStream
Get the iterator.
- iterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- iterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
- iterator(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
- lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- lastInRow - Variable in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext.ItemVecPair
- lastLong() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
- lastLongKey() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- lastLongKey() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
- LearningRate - Annotation Type in org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative
Learning rate for iterative methods.
- LeastSquaresItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.baseline
Baseline scorer using least-squares estimates of preferences, trained by gradient descent.
- LeastSquaresItemScorer(Long2DoubleMap, Long2DoubleMap, double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.baseline.LeastSquaresItemScorer
Construct a new least-squares scorer.
- LeastSquaresItemScorer.Builder - Class in org.lenskit.baseline
The builder for the least squares predictor.
- length - Variable in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNLengthMetric.LengthResult
- length() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.Row
Get the length of this row.
- LengthResult(double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNLengthMetric.LengthResult
- LenskitAnnotationProcessor - Class in org.lenskit.inject
Annotation processor to provide basic linting of LensKit annotations.
- LenskitAnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.inject.LenskitAnnotationProcessor
- LenskitBinding<T> - Interface in org.lenskit
LensKit-augmented binding interface.
- LenskitConfigContext - Interface in org.lenskit
LensKit-specific augmentations of the Grapht context interface.
- LenskitConfigDSL - Class in org.lenskit.config
Methods for the LensKit configuration DSL.
- LenskitConfigDSL(ConfigurationLoader) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigDSL
Construct a new delegate with an empty configuration.
- LenskitConfigDSL(ConfigurationLoader, URI) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigDSL
Construct a new delegate with an empty configuration.
- LenskitConfigDSL(ConfigurationLoader, LenskitConfiguration, URI) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigDSL
Construct a new delegate.
- LenskitConfigScript - Class in org.lenskit.config
Base class for LensKit configuration scripts.
- LenskitConfigScript() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigScript
- LenskitConfigScript(Binding) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigScript
- LenskitConfiguration - Class in org.lenskit
A LensKit algorithm configuration.
- LenskitConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
Create a new LensKit configuration.
- LenskitConfiguration(LenskitConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.LenskitConfiguration
Create a new copy of a LensKit configuration.
- LenskitInfo - Class in org.lenskit
Get access to general information about LensKit.
- LenskitRecommender - Class in org.lenskit
Recommender implementation built on LensKit containers.
- LenskitRecommender(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommender
Create a new LensKit recommender.
- LenskitRecommenderEngine - Class in org.lenskit
LensKit implementation of a recommender engine.
- LenskitRecommenderEngineBuilder - Class in org.lenskit
Builds LensKit recommender engines from configurations.
- LenskitRecommenderEngineBuilder() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineBuilder
- LenskitRecommenderEngineLoader - Class in org.lenskit
Load a pre-built recommender engine from a file.
- LenskitRecommenderEngineLoader() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineLoader
- LenskitResultList - Interface in org.lenskit.results
LensKit refinement of the general result list type.
- LenskitResultMap - Interface in org.lenskit.results
LensKit refinement of the general result map type.
- lenskitVersion() - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitInfo
Get the current LensKit version.
- LineEntityParser - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao.file
Interface for parsers that parse an entity from a line of text.
- LineEntityParser() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.LineEntityParser
- LineStream - Class in org.lenskit.util.io
Stream that reads lines from a file.
- LineStream(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.io.LineStream
Construct a stream reading lines from a buffered reader.
- listIterator() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- listIterator(int) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- listIterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- listIterator(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- listIterator() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- listIterator(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- ListOnlyTopNMetric<X> - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Intermediate class for top-N metrics that only depend on the list of recommended items, not their details.
- ListOnlyTopNMetric(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ListOnlyTopNMetric
- ListOnlyTopNMetric(Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>, Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ListOnlyTopNMetric
- ListOnlyTopNMetric(Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>, Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>, String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ListOnlyTopNMetric
- LiveNeighborFinder - Class in org.lenskit.knn.user
Neighborhood finder that does a fresh search over the data source ever time.
- LiveNeighborFinder(RatingVectorPDAO, DataAccessObject, UserSimilarity, UserVectorNormalizer, Threshold) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.user.LiveNeighborFinder
Construct a new user neighborhood finder.
- LiveUserItemBiasModel - Class in org.lenskit.bias
Bias model that provides global, user, and item biases.
- LiveUserItemBiasModel(ItemBiasModel, RatingVectorPDAO) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.bias.LiveUserItemBiasModel
Construct a new bias model.
- LKFileUtils - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io
File utilities for LensKit.
- load(Closure<?>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigHelpers
Load a LensKit configuration from a Groovy closure.
- load(String) - Static method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigHelpers
- load(File) - Static method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigHelpers
Load a LensKit configuration from a script file.
- load(URL) - Static method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigHelpers
Load a LensKit configuration from a script URL.
- load(File) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
Load a configuration from a file.
- load(URL) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
Load a configuration from a URL.
- load(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
- load(Closure<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
- load(Path) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Load a static file data set from a file.
- load(Path, String) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Load a static file data set from a file.
- load(URI, String) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Load a static file data set from a URI.
- load(Path, String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstance
Load an algorithm instance from a file.
- load(Path) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Load one or more data sets from a YAML manifest file.
- load(URL) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
Load one or more data sets from a YAML manifest file.
- load(Path) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Load a train-test experiment from a YAML file.
- load(File) - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
Create a new recommender engine by reading a previously serialized engine from the given file.
- load(File, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
- load(InputStream) - Static method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngine
Create a new recommender engine by reading a previously serialized engine from the given input stream.
- load(InputStream) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineLoader
Load a recommender engine from an input stream.
- load(File) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineLoader
Load a recommender from a file.
- loadAndWrap(EventDAO) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EventCollectionDAO
Create a new data source from an EventDAO.
- loadConfigurations(List<File>) - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.ScriptEnvironment
- loadEngine() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.RecommenderLoader
- Loader(File) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO.Loader
- loadScript(GroovyCodeSource, URI) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
Load a LensKit configuration script.
- loadScript(File) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
Load a configuration script from a file.
- loadScript(URL) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
Load a configuration script from a URL.
- loadScript(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.ConfigurationLoader
Load a configuration script from a script source.
- log(double) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.Discounts
Create a new logarithmic discount.
- log2() - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.Discounts
Create a log-base-2 discount.
- LogContext - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util
Utility class to manage log data with MDC
- LogContext() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.LogContext
- LogDiscount - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics
Logarithmic discounting.
- LogDiscount(double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.LogDiscount
Construct a log discount.
- logger - Variable in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- logger - Variable in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigScript
- Logging - Class in org.lenskit.cli.util
CLI support for configuring the logging infrastructure.
- LoggingStreamSlurper - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io
Thread that reads an input stream and writes its lines to a logger.
- LoggingStreamSlurper(String, InputStream, Logger, String) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LoggingStreamSlurper
Create a new stream slurper.
- logProgress() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.ProgressLogger
Log the current progress to the logger.
- long2DoubleEntrySet() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
- Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap - Class in org.lenskit.util.keys
An immutable long-to-double map backed by a sorted key array.
- Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap(Map<Long, Double>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
- long2ObjectEntrySet() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultMap
- long2ObjectEntrySet() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- LongKeyDomain - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.collections
- LongSortedArraySet - Class in org.lenskit.util.keys
A sorted set of longs implemented using a sorted array.
- LongSortedArraySet(SortedKeyIndex) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
Construct a new long sorted array set from a key domain.
- LongSortedArraySet(Collection<Long>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
Construct a new array set from a collection of items.
- LongSortedArraySet(long[]) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
Construct a new array set from an array of items.
- LongUtils - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.collections
- LongUtils - Class in org.lenskit.util.collections
Utilities for working with longs and collections of them from Fastutil.
- lookup(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollection
Look up an entity by ID.
- lookup(EntityType) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityDefaults
Look up the defaults for a particular entity type.
- lookupEntity(EntityType, long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.DataAccessObject
Look up an entity by ID.
- lookupEntity(EntityType, long, Class<E>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.DataAccessObject
Look up an entity by ID and project it to a view class.
- lookupEntity(EntityType, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAO
- lookupEntity(EntityType, long, Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAO
- lowerBound(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Get the lower bound, the first index whose key is greater than or equal to the specified key.
- objectCollection(Collection<E>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CollectionUtils
- objectCollection(Collection<E>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.CollectionUtils
- objects() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMapBuilder
Get the objects that have been added so far.
- ObjectStream<T> - Interface in org.lenskit.util.io
A stream of objects read from somewhere.
- ObjectStreamIterator<T> - Class in org.lenskit.util.io
Simple implementation of an Iterator that wraps a object stream’s data.
- ObjectStreamIterator(ObjectStream<T>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreamIterator
Construct a new iterator from a stream.
- ObjectStreams - Class in org.lenskit.util.io
Utility methods for streams.
- of(String) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.Symbol
Get a unique symbol for name.
- of(TypedSymbol<T>, T) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.SymbolValue
Create a typed symbol value.
- of(TypedSymbol<Double>, double) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.SymbolValue
Create an unboxed symbol value.
- of(Symbol, double) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.SymbolValue
Create an unboxed symbol value.
- of(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.TypedSymbol
Get a unique symbol for name and type.
- of(Class<T>, Symbol) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.TypedSymbol
- of(T...) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreams
Create an object stream over a fixed set of elements.
- open(File) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
Open a binary rating DAO.
- open(File, BinaryFormatFlag...) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingPacker
Open a new binary rating packer.
- open(File, EnumSet<BinaryFormatFlag>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingPacker
Open a new binary rating packer.
- open(File, TableLayout, CompressionMode) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.table.writer.CSVWriter
Open a CSV writer to write to a file.
- open(File, TableLayout) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.table.writer.CSVWriter
Open a CSV writer to write to an auto-compressed file.
- openFile(File) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.LineStream
Open a delimited text stream as a file.
- openFile(File, CompressionMode) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.LineStream
Open a delimited text stream as a file.
- openInput(File, Charset, CompressionMode) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Open a file for input, optionally compressed.
- openInput(File, CompressionMode) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Open a file for input with the default charset.
- openInput(File) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Open a reader with automatic compression and the default character set.
- openOutput(File, Charset, CompressionMode) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Open a file for input, optionally compressed.
- openOutput(File, CompressionMode) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Open a file for output with the default charset.
- openOutput(File) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Open a reader with automatic compression inference.
- openOutputStream() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.StagedWrite
Open an output stream for the staging file.
- openStream() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.file.EntitySource
Get the data from this entity source.
- openStream() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Open a stream to read entities from this source.
- openStream() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.CompressedByteSource
- orderBy(TypedName<? extends Comparable<?>>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.Query
Sort the query results by a field.
- orderBy(TypedName<? extends Comparable<?>>, SortOrder) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.Query
Sort the query results by a field.
- ordering() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.SortKey
Create an ordering (comparator) over entities from this sort key.
- OrdRecRatingPredictor - Class in org.lenskit.predict.ordrec
OrdRec implementation of rating prediction.
- OrdRecRatingPredictor(ItemScorer, UserEventDAO, Quantizer, double, double, int) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.predict.ordrec.OrdRecRatingPredictor
Construct a new OrdRec rating predictor.
- OrdRecRatingPredictor.FullResult - Class in org.lenskit.predict.ordrec
The result type of OrdRec rating predictions.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.cli - package org.grouplens.lenskit.cli
- org.grouplens.lenskit.collections - package org.grouplens.lenskit.collections
Custom collections and related utilities.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql - package org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql
JDBC-based data access layer.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative - package org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative
Common utilities for iterative methods.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.scored - package org.grouplens.lenskit.scored
Associate IDs with scores.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols - package org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols
Interned symbols.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.clamp - package org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.clamp
Clamping functions.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold - package org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold
Threshold values.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate - package org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate
- org.grouplens.lenskit.util - package org.grouplens.lenskit.util
Utility classes used by the rest of LensKit.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io - package org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io
I/O utilitises.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics - package org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics
Statistical utilities.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors - package org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors
Sparse vectors and their operations.
- org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity - package org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity
Similarity functions over vectors.
- org.lenskit - package org.lenskit
- org.lenskit.api - package org.lenskit.api
Interfaces defining an implementation-independent recommendation API.
- org.lenskit.baseline - package org.lenskit.baseline
Baseline scorers.
- org.lenskit.basic - package org.lenskit.basic
Basic component implementations.
- org.lenskit.bias - package org.lenskit.bias
User-item bias models, suitable for use in baseline scorers and normalizers.
- org.lenskit.cli - package org.lenskit.cli
LensKit command line commands and infrastructure.
- org.lenskit.cli.commands - package org.lenskit.cli.commands
Commands for the LensKit CLI.
- org.lenskit.cli.util - package org.lenskit.cli.util
Helper utilities for the LensKit CLI.
- org.lenskit.config - package org.lenskit.config
Configuration loading support.
- org.lenskit.data.dao - package org.lenskit.data.dao
LensKit data access objects.
- org.lenskit.data.dao.file - package org.lenskit.data.dao.file
- org.lenskit.data.entities - package org.lenskit.data.entities
Code for LensKit’s core entity data model.
- org.lenskit.data.events - package org.lenskit.data.events
LensKit’s events and related types.
- org.lenskit.data.history - package org.lenskit.data.history
User histories (sequences of events).
- org.lenskit.data.output - package org.lenskit.data.output
- org.lenskit.data.packed - package org.lenskit.data.packed
Binary-packed rating DAOs.
- org.lenskit.data.ratings - package org.lenskit.data.ratings
Ratings data type.
- org.lenskit.eval.crossfold - package org.lenskit.eval.crossfold
- org.lenskit.eval.temporal - package org.lenskit.eval.temporal
- org.lenskit.eval.traintest - package org.lenskit.eval.traintest
Train-test evaluation support.
- org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics - package org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics
- org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict - package org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict
Prediction accuracy measurements for the train-test evaluator.
- org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend - package org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- org.lenskit.external - package org.lenskit.external
- org.lenskit.graph - package org.lenskit.graph
Support code for visualizing recommender graphs.
- org.lenskit.hybrid - package org.lenskit.hybrid
Hybrid recommenders.
- org.lenskit.inject - package org.lenskit.inject
Support classes for working with dependency injection.
- org.lenskit.knn - package org.lenskit.knn
Neighborhood-based collaborative filtering (common support code).
- org.lenskit.knn.item - package org.lenskit.knn.item
Implementation of item-item collaborative filtering.
- org.lenskit.knn.item.model - package org.lenskit.knn.item.model
Model classes and builders for the item-item k-NN collaborative filter.
- org.lenskit.knn.user - package org.lenskit.knn.user
Implementation of user-user collaborative filtering.
- org.lenskit.mf.funksvd - package org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
- org.lenskit.mf.svd - package org.lenskit.mf.svd
- org.lenskit.predict - package org.lenskit.predict
- org.lenskit.predict.ordrec - package org.lenskit.predict.ordrec
- org.lenskit.results - package org.lenskit.results
- org.lenskit.slopeone - package org.lenskit.slopeone
- org.lenskit.transform.normalize - package org.lenskit.transform.normalize
Interfaces and classes for data normalization.
- org.lenskit.transform.quantize - package org.lenskit.transform.quantize
Quantize values.
- org.lenskit.util - package org.lenskit.util
- org.lenskit.util.collections - package org.lenskit.util.collections
Custom collections and related utilities.
- org.lenskit.util.io - package org.lenskit.util.io
- org.lenskit.util.keys - package org.lenskit.util.keys
Data structures indexed by long IDs (keys).
- org.lenskit.util.math - package org.lenskit.util.math
- org.lenskit.util.monitor - package org.lenskit.util.monitor
- org.lenskit.util.parallel - package org.lenskit.util.parallel
Utilities for parallel and concurrent computation.
- org.lenskit.util.table - package org.lenskit.util.table
- org.lenskit.util.table.writer - package org.lenskit.util.table.writer
Utilities for writing two-dimensional tables of data.
- OutputFormat - Enum in org.lenskit.data.output
- RandomProvider - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util
- RandomProvider() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.RandomProvider
- randomSubset(LongSet, int, Random) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongUtils
Selects a random subset of n
longs from a given set of longs.
- randomSubset(LongSet, int, LongSet, Random) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongUtils
Selects a random subset of n
longs from a given set of longs such that no selected items is in a second set of longs.
- randomSubset(LongSet, int, Random) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Selects a random subset of n
longs from a given set of longs.
- randomSubset(LongSet, int, LongSet, Random) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Selects a random subset of n
longs from a given set of longs such that no selected items is in a second set of longs.
- rank - Variable in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMRRMetric.UserResult
- RankBlendingItemRecommender - Class in org.lenskit.hybrid
Hybrid item recommender that blends the ranks produced by two recommenders.
- RankBlendingItemRecommender(ItemRecommender, ItemRecommender, double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.hybrid.RankBlendingItemRecommender
Construct a new rank-blending recommender.
- RankBlendingItemRecommender.Left - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.hybrid
The ‘left’ recommender for the blending recommender.
- RankBlendingItemRecommender.Right - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.hybrid
The ‘right’ recommender for a hybrid.
- RankBlendResult - Class in org.lenskit.hybrid
- RATING - Static variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.CommonAttributes
A rating value.
- RATING - Static variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.CommonTypes
Type identifier for rating entities.
- rating(long, long, double) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityFactory
- rating(long, long, double, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityFactory
- Rating - Class in org.lenskit.data.ratings
A user rating an item.
- RatingBuilder - Class in org.lenskit.data.ratings
- RatingBuilder() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Create an uninitialized rating builder.
- RatingBuilder(EntityType) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Create an unitialized rating builder.
- RatingMatrix - Interface in org.lenskit.data.ratings
Snapshot of the ratings data for building a recommender.
- RatingMatrixEntry - Class in org.lenskit.data.ratings
- RatingMatrixEntry() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrixEntry
- RatingPredictor - Interface in org.lenskit.api
Predict user ratings.
- RatingPredictorItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.predict
Item scorer that uses rating predictions.
- RatingPredictorItemScorer(RatingPredictor) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.predict.RatingPredictorItemScorer
- RatingRangeClampingFunction - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.clamp
Clamp values to the range of valid ratings.
- RatingRangeClampingFunction(PreferenceDomain) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.clamp.RatingRangeClampingFunction
- Ratings - Class in org.lenskit.data.ratings
Utilities for working with ratings.
- RatingSnapshotDAO - Class in org.lenskit.data.packed
A DAO that has a snapshot of the rating data.
- RatingSnapshotDAO.Builder - Class in org.lenskit.data.packed
- RatingSummary - Class in org.lenskit.data.ratings
A summary of the ratings data.
- RatingSummaryProvider - Class in org.lenskit.data.ratings
Default builder for rating summaries.
- RatingSummaryProvider(DataAccessObject) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingSummaryProvider
- RatingVectorPDAO - Interface in org.lenskit.data.ratings
Proxy DAO for user ‘rating vectors’, which are mappings of items to user preference.
- RatingWriter - Interface in org.lenskit.data.output
Interface for writing ratings.
- RatingWriters - Class in org.lenskit.data.output
- readBuffer(ReadableByteChannel, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryUtils
Read a buffer completely from a channel.
- readBuffer(FileChannel, ByteBuffer, long) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryUtils
Read a buffer completely from a position in a file.
- readIdList(File) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Read a list of long IDs from a file, one per line.
- readObject() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.GroupingObjectStream
- readObject() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.LineStream
- readObject() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStream
Read the next object from this stream.
- RealThreshold - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold
Checks similarity values to ensure their real values are over the
- RealThreshold(double) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold.RealThreshold
- recall - Variable in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPrecisionRecallMetric.PresRecResult
- recommend(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemRecommender
Recommend all possible items for a user using the default exclude set.
- recommend(long, int) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemRecommender
Recommend up to n
items for a user using the default exclude set.
- recommend(long, int, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemRecommender
Produce a set of recommendations for the user.
- recommend(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemRecommender
Recommend all possible items for a user using the default exclude set.
- recommend(long, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemRecommender
Recommend up to n
items for a user using the default exclude set.
- recommend(long, int, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemRecommender
Produce a set of recommendations for the user.
- recommend(long, int, LongSet, LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemRecommender
Primary method for implementing an item recommender without details.
- recommend(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.RescoringItemRecommender
- recommend(long, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.RescoringItemRecommender
- recommend(long, int, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.RescoringItemRecommender
- recommend(int, ResultMap) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemBasedItemRecommender
Pick the top n items from a score vector.
- recommend(long, int, LongSet, LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemRecommender
- Recommend - Class in org.lenskit.cli.commands
Generate Top-N recommendations for users.
- Recommend() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Recommend
- Recommender - Interface in org.lenskit.api
Main entry point for accessing recommender components.
- RecommenderBuildException - Exception in org.lenskit.api
Exception thrown when there is an error building a recommender.
- RecommenderBuildException() - Constructor for exception org.lenskit.api.RecommenderBuildException
Consruct a new recommender build exception.
- RecommenderBuildException(String) - Constructor for exception org.lenskit.api.RecommenderBuildException
Construct exception with a message.
- RecommenderBuildException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.lenskit.api.RecommenderBuildException
Construct exception with a message and cause.
- RecommenderBuildException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.lenskit.api.RecommenderBuildException
Construct an exception with a cause.
- RecommenderConfigurationException - Exception in org.lenskit
Error thrown when an error occurs resolving the recommender configuration graph.
- RecommenderConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.lenskit.RecommenderConfigurationException
- RecommenderConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.lenskit.RecommenderConfigurationException
- RecommenderConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.lenskit.RecommenderConfigurationException
- RecommenderConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.lenskit.RecommenderConfigurationException
- RecommenderEngine - Interface in org.lenskit.api
Service providing access to a recommender.
- RecommenderGraphBuilder - Class in org.lenskit.inject
Build recommender graphs.
- RecommenderGraphBuilder() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderGraphBuilder
- RecommenderInstantiator - Class in org.lenskit.inject
Process a recommender graph to deal with its shareable nodes.
- RecommenderLoader - Class in org.lenskit.cli.util
Load recommenders from models or configurations.
- RecommenderLoader(InputData, ScriptEnvironment, Namespace) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.util.RecommenderLoader
- RecommendEvalTask - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
An eval task that attempts to recommend items for a test user.
- RecommendEvalTask() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Create a new recommend eval task.
- recommendRelatedItems(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemBasedItemRecommender
Recommend all possible items for a reference item using the default exclude set.
- recommendRelatedItems(long, int) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemBasedItemRecommender
Recommend up to n possible items for a reference item using the default exclude set.
- recommendRelatedItems(Set<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemBasedItemRecommender
Recommend all possible items for a set of reference items using the default exclude set.
- recommendRelatedItems(Set<Long>, int) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemBasedItemRecommender
Recommend up to n items for a set of reference items using the default exclude set.
- recommendRelatedItems(Set<Long>, int, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemBasedItemRecommender
Produce a set of recommendations for the item.
- recommendRelatedItems(long, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemBasedItemRecommender
Recommend up to n possible items for a reference item using the default exclude set.
- recommendRelatedItems(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemBasedItemRecommender
Recommend all possible items for a reference item using the default exclude set.
- recommendRelatedItems(Set<Long>, int, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemBasedItemRecommender
Produce a set of recommendations for the item.
- recommendRelatedItems(Set<Long>, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemBasedItemRecommender
Recommend up to n items for a set of reference items using the default exclude set.
- recommendRelatedItems(Set<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemBasedItemRecommender
Recommend all possible items for a set of reference items using the default exclude set.
- recommendRelatedItemsWithDetails(Set<Long>, int, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemBasedItemRecommender
Produce a set of recommendations for the item, with details.
- recommendRelatedItemsWithDetails(Set<Long>, int, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemBasedItemRecommender
- recommendWithDetails(long, int, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemRecommender
Produce a set of recommendations for the user with additional details.
- recommendWithDetails(long, int, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemRecommender
- recommendWithDetails(long, int, LongSet, LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemRecommender
Primary method for implementing an item recommender.
- recommendWithDetails(long, int, Set<Long>, Set<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.RescoringItemRecommender
- recommendWithDetails(long, int, LongSet, LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemRecommender
- recommendWithDetails(long, int, LongSet, LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.hybrid.RankBlendingItemRecommender
- RegularizationTerm - Annotation Type in org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative
The regularization factor applied in many iterative methods.
- remove(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- remove(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- remove() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreamIterator
- removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- removeAllChannels() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Remove all channels stored in this vector.
- removeChannel(TypedSymbol<K>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Remove the typed channel stored under a particular symbol.
- removeChannelVector(Symbol) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Remove the channel stored under a particular symbol.
- removeLong(int) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- renderGraph(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>, File) - Static method in class org.lenskit.graph.GraphDumper
Render a graph to a file.
- repeat(T, int) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CollectionUtils
Return a list that repeats a single object multiple times.
- repeat(T, int) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.CollectionUtils
Return a list that repeats a single object multiple times.
- reportFailure(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.monitor.StatusTracker
- reportSuccess(Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.monitor.StatusTracker
- rescore(Result, double) - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.Results
Create a rescored result.
- rescore(Result, Result) - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.Results
Create a rescored result with details.
- RescoredResult - Class in org.lenskit.results
A result that wraps another result with a different score.
- RescoringItemRecommender - Class in org.lenskit.basic
Item recommender that wraps a base item recommender and replaces its scores with those produced by another item scorer.
- RescoringItemRecommender(ItemRecommender, ItemScorer) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.RescoringItemRecommender
Create a new rescoring item recommender.
- reset() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MutualInformationAccumulator
Reset to start accumulating again.
- reset() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityBuilder
Reset this entity builder, clearing all properties except the entity type.
- reset() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.events.EventBuilder
Clear the rating builder, as if it were freshly instantiated..
- reset() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
- resetStatistics() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDUpdater
Reset the statistics and counters tracked by this updater.
- resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.CustomClassLoaderObjectInputStream
- Result - Interface in org.lenskit.api
A LensKit result, consisting of a score and an ID.
- ResultAccumulator - Class in org.lenskit.results
Accumulator for sorted lists of results.
- ResultList - Interface in org.lenskit.api
A list of results from a recommender operation.
- ResultMap - Interface in org.lenskit.api
A map of results from a recommender operation.
- ResultMetric<X> - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics
Base class for metrics that measure individual recommendation or prediction results.
- ResultMetric(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.ResultMetric
Construct a new result metric.
- ResultMetric(Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>, Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.ResultMetric
Construct a new result metric.
- Results - Class in org.lenskit.results
Utility functions for working with results.
- resultToIndex(int) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.BinarySearch
Convert a possibly-negative binary search result to an index or insertion point.
- retain(double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold.AbsoluteThreshold
- retain(double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold.NoThreshold
- retain(double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold.RealThreshold
- retain(double) - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold.Threshold
Checks a similarity value against retention criteria for inclusion in similarity models.
- retain(int) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.HistoryPartitions
Retain a fixed number of ratings.
- retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- RetainNHistoryPartitionMethod - Class in org.lenskit.eval.crossfold
Partition the event list by retaining a fixed number of elements.
- RetainNHistoryPartitionMethod(int) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.RetainNHistoryPartitionMethod
Create a count partitioner.
- RMSEPredictMetric - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict
Evaluate a recommender’s prediction accuracy with RMSE.
- RMSEPredictMetric() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.RMSEPredictMetric
- RMSEPredictMetric.Context - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict
- root(Class<?>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigDSL
Add a root type.
- Row - Interface in org.lenskit.util.table
One row of a data table.
- RowBuilder - Class in org.lenskit.util.table
Build a row.
- RowBuilder(TableLayout) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.table.RowBuilder
- rqAddOrder(StringBuilder, SortOrder) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Add an ORDER BY clause to a query.
- rqAddSelectFrom(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Add the SELECT and FROM clauses to the query.
- rqFinish(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Finish a query (append a semicolon).
- rule - Variable in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelProvider
- run() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LoggingStreamSlurper
- RunScript - Class in org.lenskit.cli.commands
- RunScript() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.commands.RunScript
- RuntimeUpdate - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
Qualifier for the update rule used at runtime.
- sampleUsers(SortOrder, HistoryPartitionMethod, int) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.CrossfoldMethods
Create a crossfold method that splits users into disjoint samples.
- Scalars - Class in org.lenskit.util.math
- score(long, long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemScorer
Score a single item.
- score(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemScorer
Score a collection of items.
- score(long, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemScorer
Score a single item.
- score(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemScorer
Score a collection of items.
- score(long, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackItemScorer
- score(long, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.PrecomputedItemScorer
- score(long, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.BiasItemScorer
- score(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemScorer
- score(long, Long2DoubleMap, Long2DoubleMap, ItemItemScoreAccumulator) - Method in interface org.lenskit.knn.item.NeighborhoodScorer
Compute a score based on similar neighbors and their corresponding scores.
- score(long, Long2DoubleMap, Long2DoubleMap, ItemItemScoreAccumulator) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.SimilaritySumNeighborhoodScorer
- score(long, Long2DoubleMap, Long2DoubleMap, ItemItemScoreAccumulator) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.WeightedAverageNeighborhoodScorer
- score(long, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.predict.RatingPredictorItemScorer
- score(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.predict.RatingPredictorItemScorer
- score - Variable in class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
- ScoredId - Interface in org.grouplens.lenskit.scored
- ScoredIdAccumulator - Interface in org.lenskit.util
Accumulate a sorted list of scored IDs.
- ScoredIdBuilder - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.scored
- ScoredIdBuilder() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdBuilder
Create a ScoredIdBuilder
- ScoredIdBuilder(long) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdBuilder
Create a ScoredIdBuilder
- ScoredIdBuilder(long, double) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdBuilder
Create a ScoredIdBuilder
- ScoredIdListBuilder - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.scored
- ScoredIdListBuilder() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
- ScoredIdListBuilder(int) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
- ScoredIds - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.scored
- scoreItem(Long2DoubleMap, long, ItemItemScoreAccumulator) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemItemBasedItemScorer
Score a single item into an accumulator.
- scoreItem(Long2DoubleMap, long, ItemItemScoreAccumulator) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemScorer
- scoreMap() - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ResultMap
View this result set as a map from longs to doubles.
- scoreMap() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultMap
- scoreMap() - Method in interface org.lenskit.results.LenskitResultMap
- scoreOrder() - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIds
An ordering (comparator) that compares IDs by score.
- scoreOrder() - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.Results
Get an ordering (comparator) that orders results by score.
- scorer - Variable in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemBasedItemRecommender
- scorer - Variable in class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemRecommender
- scorer - Variable in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemItemBasedItemScorer
- scorer - Variable in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemScorer
- scoreRelatedItem(Collection<Long>, long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemBasedItemScorer
Score a single item based on a collection of items (e.g.
- scoreRelatedItem(Collection<Long>, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemBasedItemScorer
Score a single item based on a collection of items (e.g.
- scoreRelatedItems(Collection<Long>, Collection<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemBasedItemScorer
Score a collection of items based on a collection of items (e.g.
- scoreRelatedItems(Collection<Long>, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.AbstractItemBasedItemScorer
Score a collection of items based on a collection of items (e.g.
- scoreRelatedItems(Collection<Long>, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemItemBasedItemScorer
- scoreRelatedItemsWithDetails(Collection<Long>, Collection<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemBasedItemScorer
Score a collection of items based on a collection of items (e.g.
- scoreRelatedItemsWithDetails(Collection<Long>, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemItemBasedItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.api.ItemScorer
Score a collection of items and potentially return more details on the scores.
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.baseline.ItemMeanRatingItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.baseline.LeastSquaresItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.baseline.UserMeanItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.ConstantItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.FallbackItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.PopularityRankItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.PrecomputedItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.basic.SimpleCachingItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.bias.BiasItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemScorer
Score items by computing predicted ratings.
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserUserItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.BiasedMFItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.predict.RatingPredictorItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneItemScorer
- scoreWithDetails(long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.slopeone.WeightedSlopeOneItemScorer
- ScriptEnvironment - Class in org.lenskit.cli.util
Class managing environments for running various scripts and classes.
- ScriptEnvironment(Namespace) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.util.ScriptEnvironment
- search(int, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.BinarySearch
Perform a binary search across a range of integers.
- selectItems(LongSet, Recommender, TestUser) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector.GroovyItemSelector
- selectItems(LongSet, Recommender, TestUser) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector
Select a set of items for recommendation.
- selfExtractor() - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Keys
- serializeFunnel() - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.Functional
that serializes an object to the sink.
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO.Loader
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomain
- set(int, long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- set(long, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Set a value in the vector.
- set(VectorEntry, double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Set the value in the vector corresponding to a vector entry.
- set(SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Set the values in this SparseVector to equal the values in other for each key that is present in both vectors.
- set(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.BindingDSL
- set(int, E) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- set(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.AbstractConfigContext
- set(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitConfigContext
Start a binding that sets a parameter.
- setActive(int, boolean) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Set the active flag for a single key.
- setActive(BitSet) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Set the active bits from a bit set.
- setAlgorithm(AlgorithmInstance) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
Adds an algorithmInfo
- setAlgorithm(String, LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
An algorithm instance constructed with a name and Lenskit configuration
- setAllActive(boolean) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Set the active status of all entries in the key set.
- setAttribute(TypedName<T>, T) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.BasicEntityBuilder
- setAttribute(TypedName<T>, T) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityBuilder
Set an attribute in the entity.
- setAttribute(Attribute<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityBuilder
Set an attribute in the entity.
- setAttribute(TypedName<T>, T) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
- setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
Set an attribute for this algorithm instance.
- setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSetBuilder
- setBaseURI(URI) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigDSL
Set the base URI for this configuration.
- setCache(Cache<QueryKey, Object>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
Set the cache to use for user and item queries.
- setCacheBuilder(CacheBuilder<? super QueryKey, Object>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
Set a cache builder to use for making the DAO’s internal caches.
- setCacheBuilder(CacheBuilderSpec) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
Set a cache builder spec to use for making the DAO’s internal caches.
- setCacheBuilder(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
Set the cache builder spec to use for making the DAO’s internal caches.
- setCacheDirectory(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Set the cache directory for model components.
- setCandidateSelector(ItemSelector) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Set the candidate selector.
- setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Set the class loader for this experiment.
- setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderGraphBuilder
- setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineBuilder
Set the class loader to use.
- setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineLoader
Set the class loader to use when reading the engine.
- setCloseWhenClosed(boolean) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
Configure whether the the DAO should close the database connection.
- setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.NDCGPredictMetric.Spec
- setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric.Spec
- setCompressionMode(CompressionMode) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineLoader
Set the compression mode to use.
- setConfig(LenskitConfiguration) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
Set the LensKit configuration to use.
- setCount(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.ProgressLogger
Set the number of total items to be processed.
- setDataSource(BinaryRatingDAO) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
- setDataSource(File) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
- setDelegate(LenskitConfigDSL) - Method in class org.lenskit.config.LenskitConfigScript
Set the delegate.
- setDelimiter(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Set the delimiter to use for this entity format.
- setDifference(LongSet, LongSet) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongUtils
Compute the set difference of two sets.
- setDifference(LongSet, LongSet) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Compute the set difference of two sets.
- setDiscount(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.NDCGPredictMetric.Spec
- setDiscount(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric.Spec
- setEntityBuilder(Class<? extends EntityBuilder>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Set the entity builder class.
- setEntityType(EntityType) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityQueryBuilder
- setEntityType(EntityType) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Set the entity type.
- setEntityType(EntityType) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Set the entity type that this crossfolder will crossfold.
- setExcludeSelector(ItemSelector) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Set the exclude selector.
- setExecutable(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Set the executable to use.
- setExtendedOutputFile(File) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
Set the output file for extended output (lines of JSON).
- setExtendedOutputFile(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
Set the output file for extended output (lines of JSON).
- setFile(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Set the source file for this reader.
- setFormat(EntityFormat) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Set the entity format for the reader.
- setGoodItems(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.PRMetricSpec
- setHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Set whether to read a header.
- setHeaderLines(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
Set the number of header lines to read.
- setId(long) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdBuilder
Change the ID of the ScoredID
object under construction.
- setId(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityBuilder
Set the entity id.
- setId(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Set the rating ID.
- setIntersect(LongSet, LongSet) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Compute the intersection of two sets.
- setIntersect(LongSortedSet, LongSortedSet) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Compute the intersection of two sets.
- setIsolationGroup(UUID) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSetBuilder
Set the group ID for this data set.
- setItem1(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext.ItemVecPair
- setItem2(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.ItemItemBuildContext.ItemVecPair
- setItemAverage(double) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo.Builder
- setItemColumn(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Set the name of the item ID column in the rating table.
- setItemColumn(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- setItemId(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.events.EventBuilder
Set the item ID for this event.
- setItemId(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Set the item ID.
- setLabel(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.ProgressLogger
Set the label to be used in log messages.
- setLabelPrefix(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Set the prefix applied to column labels.
- setListSize(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
sets the size of recommendationss list size
- setListSize(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Set the list size to use.
- setMaximum(double) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomainBuilder
Set the maximum preference.
- setMethod(CrossfoldMethod) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Set the method to be used by the crossfolder.
- setMinimum(double) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomainBuilder
Set the minimum preference.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Set a name for this crossfolder.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstanceBuilder
Set the algorithm name.
- setName(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSetBuilder
Set the data set’s name.
- setOutput(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Set an output file for aggregate metrics.
- setOutputDir(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Set the output directory for this crossfold operation.
- setOutputDir(File) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Set the output directory for this crossfold operation.
- setOutputDir(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Set the output directory for this crossfold operation.
- setOutputFile(File) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
- setOutputFile(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
Set the output file for predictions.
- setOutputFile(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
Set the output file for predictions.
- setOutputFile(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Set the primary output file.
- setOutputFormat(OutputFormat) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Set the output format for the crossfolder.
- setPartitionCount(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Set the number of partitions to generate.
- setPeriod(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.ProgressLogger
Set the period for progress messages.
- setPrecision(double) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomainBuilder
Set the preference precision.
- setQuery(StaticDataSource) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSetBuilder
- setRating(double) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Set the rating value.
- setRatingColumn(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Set the name of the rating column in the rating table.
- setRatingColumn(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- setRebuildPeriod(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
- setRebuildPeriod(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
- setScore(double) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdBuilder
Change the score of the ScoredId
object under construction.
- setShareModelComponents(boolean) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Control whether model components will be shared.
- setSingularValue(double) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo.Builder
Set the singular value for this feature.
- setSkipIfUpToDate(boolean) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Set whether the crossfolder should skip if all files are up to date.
- setSource(CharSequence) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Set a string from which to read entities.
- setSource(StaticDataSource) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Set the data source.
- setStatementFactory(SQLStatementFactory) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
Set the statement factory to be used by the DAO.
- setSuffix(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.PRMetricSpec
- setTableName(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Set the name of the rating table.
- setTableName(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- setTest(StaticDataSource) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSetBuilder
- setTestHistory(List<Rating>) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUserBuilder
- setThreadCount(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Set the number of threads the experiment may use.
- setTimestamp(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.events.EventBuilder
Set the timestamp for this event.
- setTimestamp(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Set the timestamp.
- setTimestampColumn(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Set the name of the timestamp column in the rating table.
- setTimestampColumn(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- setTrain(StaticDataSource) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSetBuilder
- setTrainHistory(List<Rating>) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUserBuilder
- setUnion(LongSortedSet, LongSortedSet) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongUtils
Compute the union of two sets.
- setUnion(LongSet, LongSet) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Compute the union of two sets.
- setUnion(LongSortedSet, LongSortedSet) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.collections.LongUtils
Compute the union of two sets.
- setURL(URL) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Set the URL of the input data.
- setUserAverage(double) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FeatureInfo.Builder
- setUserColumn(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.BasicSQLStatementFactory
Set the name of the user ID column in the rating table.
- setUserColumn(String) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAOBuilder
- setUserId(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.events.EventBuilder
Set the user ID for this event.
- setUserId(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingBuilder
Set the user ID.
- setUserId(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUserBuilder
- setUserOutput(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Set an output file for per-user evaluation metrics.
- setUserOutputFile(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
Set the per-user output file.
- setValidationMode(EngineValidationMode) - Method in class org.lenskit.LenskitRecommenderEngineLoader
Set the validation mode for loading the recommender engine.
- setWindow(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.ProgressLogger
Set the window to use for smoothing averages.
- setWorkDir(Path) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Set the working directory for the evaluator.
- setWorkingDir(File) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Set the working directory to use.
- setWorkingDir(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.external.ExternalProcessItemScorerBuilder
Set the working directory to use.
- setWriteTimestamps(boolean) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
Configure whether to include timestamps in the output file.
- sha1Writer() - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.Descriptions
Create a description writer that will compute a SHA1 hash.
- Shareable - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.inject
Mark a component implementation as shareable.
- shared() - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitBinding
- shrinkDomain() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Create a new version of this MutableSparseVector that has keyDomain equal to this vector’s key set.
- SignificanceWeightedVectorSimilarity - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity
Apply significance weighting to a similarity function.
- SignificanceWeightedVectorSimilarity(int, VectorSimilarity) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SignificanceWeightedVectorSimilarity
- SigWeightThreshold - Annotation Type in org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity
The weight threshold for significance weighting.
- similarity(SparseVector, SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.CosineVectorSimilarity
- similarity(SparseVector, SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.DistanceVectorSimilarity
- similarity(SparseVector, SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.MutualInformationVectorSimilarity
Compute similarity using mutual information.
- similarity(SparseVector, SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.PearsonCorrelation
- similarity(SparseVector, SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SignificanceWeightedVectorSimilarity
- similarity(SparseVector, SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SpearmanRankCorrelation
- similarity(SparseVector, SparseVector) - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.VectorSimilarity
Compute the similarity between two vectors.
- similarity(long, SparseVector, long, SparseVector) - Method in interface org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemSimilarity
Compute the similarity between two items.
- similarity(long, SparseVector, long, SparseVector) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemVectorSimilarity
- similarity - Variable in class org.lenskit.knn.user.Neighbor
- similarity(long, SparseVector, long, SparseVector) - Method in interface org.lenskit.knn.user.UserSimilarity
Compute the similarity between two users.
- similarity(long, SparseVector, long, SparseVector) - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserVectorSimilarity
- SIMILARITY_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.lenskit.knn.user.Neighbor
Comparator to order neighbors by similarity.
- SimilarityDamping - Annotation Type in org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity
Damping parameter for similarity functions.
- SimilarityMatrixModel - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item.model
Item-item similarity model using an in-memory similarity matrix.
- SimilarityMatrixModel(SortedKeyIndex, List<Long2DoubleMap>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.SimilarityMatrixModel
- SimilarityMatrixModel(Map<Long, Long2DoubleMap>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.SimilarityMatrixModel
Construct a new item-item model.
- SimilaritySumNeighborhoodScorer - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item
Neighborhood scorer that computes the sum of neighborhood similarities.
- SimilaritySumNeighborhoodScorer() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.SimilaritySumNeighborhoodScorer
- SimpleCachingItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.basic
A simple cached item scorer that remembers the result for the last user id it scored.
- SimpleCachingItemScorer(ItemScorer) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.SimpleCachingItemScorer
- SimpleEvaluator - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest
Simplified Java API to train-test evaluation.
- SimpleEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.SimpleEvaluator
Create a simple evaluator with a custom configuration.
- SimpleRatingPredictor - Class in org.lenskit.basic
Basic rating predictor that uses scores, clamped to valid rating values if appropriate.
- SimpleRatingPredictor(ItemScorer, PreferenceDomain) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.SimpleRatingPredictor
Create a new simple rating predictor.
- Simulate - Class in org.lenskit.cli.commands
Simulates a recommender algorithm over time.
- Simulate() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.commands.Simulate
- simulate() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.RecommenderInstantiator
Simulate instantiating a graph.
- simulateInstantiation() - Static method in class org.lenskit.inject.NodeProcessors
Create a node processor that will simulate instantiating nodes.
- singleton(String, Object) - Static method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.MetricResult
Create a singleton map result.
- size() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- size() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.LongKeyDomain
Get the number of active keys in this set.
- size() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.PackedScoredIdList
- size() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Get the number of items currently in the builder.
- size() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Get the size of this vector (the number of keys).
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityCollection
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicUserHistory
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultMap
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- size() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyIndex
Get the size of this index.
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Get the domain size of this set.
- size() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.ScoredIdAccumulator
Get the number of items in the accumulator.
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.TopNScoredIdAccumulator
- size() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.UnlimitedScoredIdAccumulator
- SlopeOneItemScorer - Class in org.lenskit.slopeone
that implements the Slope One algorithm.
- SlopeOneItemScorer(RatingVectorPDAO, SlopeOneModel, PreferenceDomain) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneItemScorer
- SlopeOneModel - Class in org.lenskit.slopeone
- SlopeOneModel(Long2ObjectMap<ImmutableSparseVector>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneModel
- SlopeOneModelDataAccumulator - Class in org.lenskit.slopeone
- SlopeOneModelDataAccumulator(double, ItemDAO) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneModelDataAccumulator
Creates an accumulator to process rating data and generate the necessary data for a SlopeOneItemScorer
- SlopeOneModelProvider - Class in org.lenskit.slopeone
Pre-computes the deviations and number of mutual rating users for every pair of items and stores the results in a DeviationMatrix
and CoratingMatrix
- SlopeOneModelProvider(ItemDAO, ItemItemBuildContext, double) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.slopeone.SlopeOneModelProvider
- snapshot - Variable in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelProvider
- SnapshotNeighborFinder - Class in org.lenskit.knn.user
A neighborhood finder that has a snapshot of the rating data for efficiency.
- SnapshotNeighborFinder(UserSnapshot, UserSimilarity, RatingVectorPDAO, UserVectorNormalizer, Threshold) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.user.SnapshotNeighborFinder
- softMemoize(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.MoreSuppliers
Softly memoize a supplier.
- sort(Comparator<ScoredId>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.ScoredIdListBuilder
Sort the list-in-progress by the specified comparator.
- sort(ObjectStream<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreams
Sort an object stream.
- SortedKeyIndex - Class in org.lenskit.util.keys
Implement an index of long keys, sorted by key.
- SortKey - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao
A sort key describing a sort operation.
- SortOrder - Enum in org.lenskit.data.dao
- SortOrder - Enum in org.lenskit.eval.crossfold
Sort order for partitioning events per user or item.
- SparseNeighborIterationStrategy - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item.model
Neighbor iteration strategy that looks at the items co-rated with the specified item.
- SparseNeighborIterationStrategy() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.SparseNeighborIterationStrategy
- SparseVector - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors
- SpearmanRankCorrelation - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity
Similarity function using Spearman rank correlation.
- SpearmanRankCorrelation(double) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SpearmanRankCorrelation
- SpearmanRankCorrelation() - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SpearmanRankCorrelation
- Spec() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.NDCGPredictMetric.Spec
- Spec() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric.Spec
- Spec() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDPMMetric.Spec
- SQLStatementFactory - Interface in org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql
Interface for producing sql strings rating DAO queries.
- StagedWrite - Class in org.lenskit.util.io
Helper to do staged file writes.
- StandardRatingVectorPDAO - Class in org.lenskit.data.ratings
Rating vector source that extracts user ratings from the database.
- StandardRatingVectorPDAO(DataAccessObject) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.ratings.StandardRatingVectorPDAO
Construct a rating vector source.
- StandardVectorTruncatorProvider - Class in org.lenskit.knn.item.model
Configure a vector truncator using the standard item-item model build logic.
- StandardVectorTruncatorProvider(Threshold, int) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.StandardVectorTruncatorProvider
Construct a new vector truncator provider.
- start(ExperimentOutputLayout) - Method in interface org.lenskit.eval.traintest.EvalTask
Do initial setup for this eval task.
- start(ExperimentOutputLayout) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.predict.PredictEvalTask
- start(ExperimentOutputLayout) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.RecommendEvalTask
- start() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.ProgressLogger
Start the progress logger’s timer.
- startEquality(Result) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
Create an equality builder, populated with the ID and score.
- startEquality(Result, Result) - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
Create an equality builder, populated with the ID and score.
- startHashCode() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
Create a hash code builder, populated with the ID and score.
- startHashCode(Result) - Static method in class org.lenskit.results.AbstractResult
Create an equality builder, populated with the ID and score.
- StaticDataSource - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao.file
Layout and builder for DAOs backed by static files.
- StaticDataSource() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Construct a new data layout object.
- StaticDataSource(String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
Construct a new data layout object.
- StaticInjector - Class in org.lenskit.inject
A Grapht injector that uses a precomputed graph.
- StaticInjector(DAGNode<Component, Dependency>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.inject.StaticInjector
Create a new static injector.
- StatusTracker - Class in org.lenskit.util.monitor
Component for tracking the status of jobs.
- StatusTracker(Logger) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.monitor.StatusTracker
Construct a new status tracker.
- StoppingCondition - Interface in org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative
Stopping condition for iterative updates
- StoppingThreshold - Annotation Type in org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative
Stopping threshold.
- stream() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.GroupedQuery
Stream the groups of entities.
- stream() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.Query
Stream the results of this query.
- streamEntities(EntityType) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.AbstractDataAccessObject
Stream all entities of a particular type.
- streamEntities(EntityType) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.DataAccessObject
Stream all entities of a particular type.
- streamEntities(EntityQuery<E>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.DataAccessObject
Stream entities in response to a query.
- streamEntities(EntityType) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAO
- streamEntities(EntityQuery<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EntityCollectionDAO
- streamEntityGroups(EntityQuery<E>, TypedName<Long>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.AbstractDataAccessObject
Stream entities in response to a query, grouping them by a long ID.
- streamEntityGroups(EntityQuery<E>, TypedName<Long>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.DataAccessObject
Stream entities in response to a query, grouping them by a long ID.
- streamEvents() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- streamEvents(Class<E>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- streamEvents(Class<E>, SortOrder) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- streamEvents() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeEventDAO
- streamEvents(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeEventDAO
- streamEvents(Class<E>, SortOrder) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeEventDAO
- streamEvents() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EventCollectionDAO
- streamEvents(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EventCollectionDAO
- streamEvents(Class<E>, SortOrder) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EventCollectionDAO
- streamEvents() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.EventDAO
Stream all events.
- streamEvents(Class<E>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.EventDAO
Stream all events of a given type.
- streamEvents(Class<E>, SortOrder) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.EventDAO
Stream all events of a given type in a specified order.
- streamEvents() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- streamEvents(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- streamEvents(Class<E>, SortOrder) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- streamEvents() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- streamEvents(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- streamEvents(Class<E>, SortOrder) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- streamEventsByItem() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- streamEventsByItem(Class<E>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- streamEventsByItem() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemEventDAO
- streamEventsByItem(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeItemEventDAO
- streamEventsByItem() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.ItemEventDAO
Stream events grouped by item.
- streamEventsByItem(Class<E>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.ItemEventDAO
Stream events grouped by item.
- streamEventsByItem() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingItemEventDAO
- streamEventsByItem(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingItemEventDAO
- streamEventsByItem() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- streamEventsByItem(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- streamEventsByItem() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- streamEventsByItem(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- streamEventsByUser() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- streamEventsByUser(Class<E>) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.data.sql.JDBCRatingDAO
- streamEventsByUser() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeUserEventDAO
- streamEventsByUser(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.BridgeUserEventDAO
- streamEventsByUser() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingUserEventDAO
- streamEventsByUser(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.PrefetchingUserEventDAO
- streamEventsByUser() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.UserEventDAO
Stream events grouped by user.
- streamEventsByUser(Class<E>) - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.UserEventDAO
Stream events grouped by user.
- streamEventsByUser() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- streamEventsByUser(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.BinaryRatingDAO
- streamEventsByUser() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- streamEventsByUser(Class<E>) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.packed.RatingSnapshotDAO
- streamUsers() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.EntityCountRatingVectorPDAO
- streamUsers() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingVectorPDAO
Stream all users in the data set.
- streamUsers() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.StandardRatingVectorPDAO
- StringDescriptionWriter - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io
Description writer that accumulates a string.
- stringWriter() - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.Descriptions
Construct a new description writer that outputs a string.
- subIndex(int, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Create a view of a subset of this index.
- subList(int, int) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- subList(int, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- subList(int, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicUserHistory
- subList(int, int) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- subMap(long, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- subMap(long, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
- subMap(LongSet) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
Return a subset of this map containing only the keys that appear in another set.
- subSet(long, long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
- subtract(SparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.MutableSparseVector
Subtract another rating vector from this one.
- subtypePredicate(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.TypeUtils
A predicate that accepts classes which are subtypes of (assignable to) the parent class.
- sum() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.ImmutableSparseVector
- sum() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Compute and return the L1 norm (sum) of the vector.
- sum(Long2DoubleMap) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.math.Vectors
Compute the sum of the elements of a map.
- sum() - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.table.Column
Get the sum of this column.
- sumAbs() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
Compute and return the sum of the absolute values of the vector.
- sumAbs(Long2DoubleMap) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.math.Vectors
Compute the sum of the elements of a map.
- summarizeFeature(RealVector, RealVector, FeatureInfo.Builder) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelProvider
Add a feature’s summary to the feature info builder.
- sumOfSquares(Long2DoubleMap) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.math.Vectors
Compute the sum of the squares of elements of a map.
- Symbol - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols
- SymbolValue<T> - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols
- Table - Interface in org.lenskit.util.table
This is the interface for the in memory table which stores a list of rows.
- TableBuilder - Class in org.lenskit.util.table
Builder to construct tables.
- TableBuilder(TableLayout) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.table.TableBuilder
Construct a new builder using a particular layout.
- TableBuilder(List<String>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.table.TableBuilder
- TableLayout - Class in org.lenskit.util.table
A layout for a table to be written.
- TableLayoutBuilder - Class in org.lenskit.util.table
Construct a layout for a table.
- TableLayoutBuilder() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.table.TableLayoutBuilder
- TableWriter - Interface in org.lenskit.util.table.writer
Write rows to a table.
- TableWriters - Class in org.lenskit.util.table.writer
Utility methods for table writers.
- tailMap(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyedObjectMap
- tailMap(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.Long2DoubleSortedArrayMap
- tailSet(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.LongSortedArraySet
- TaskGroup - Class in org.lenskit.util.parallel
A group of tasks to be executed in a fork-join tree.
- TaskGroup(boolean) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.parallel.TaskGroup
Create a new task group.
- TemporalEvaluator - Class in org.lenskit.eval.temporal
- TemporalEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.temporal.TemporalEvaluator
- test(int) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.BinarySearch
Test the value at position pos
, comparing it against the target.
- TestUser - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest
A test user’s data.
- TestUser(Entity, List<Rating>, List<Rating>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUser
Construct a new test user object.
- TestUserBuilder - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest
Builder for test user objects.
- TestUserBuilder() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TestUserBuilder
Construct a new test user builder.
- TextEntitySource - Class in org.lenskit.data.dao.file
Entity reader that loads entities from text data, often stored in a file.
- TextEntitySource() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Construct a new text entity source.
- TextEntitySource(String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Construct a new text entity source.
- Threshold - Interface in org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold
Determine whether similarity values should be accepted into or rejected from similarity models.
- ThresholdStoppingCondition - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative
Stop when absolute delta drops below a threshold.
- ThresholdStoppingCondition(double, int) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.ThresholdStoppingCondition
Construct a new threshold stop.
- ThresholdStoppingCondition(double) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.ThresholdStoppingCondition
Create a new threshold stop with no minimum iteration count.
- ThresholdTruncator - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate
A VectorTruncator
that will retain entries with values that are accepted by some Threshold
- ThresholdTruncator(Threshold) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate.ThresholdTruncator
- ThresholdValue - Annotation Type in org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.threshold
Threshold value for transformations.
- TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.CommonAttributes
A timestamp associated with an event entity.
- TIMESTAMP_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.lenskit.data.events.Events
Compare two events by timestamp.
- toArray() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicItemEventList
- toArray() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicUserHistory
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.history.BasicUserHistory
- toArray() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResultList
- toInstance(T) - Method in interface org.lenskit.LenskitBinding
Explicitly bind to an instance.
- toJSON() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.DelimitedColumnEntityFormat
- toJSON() - Method in interface org.lenskit.data.dao.file.EntityFormat
Create a JSON description of this entity format.
- toJSON(URI) - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
Construct a JSON representation of this entity source, suitable for serialization to e.g.
- tokenize(StrTokenizer) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.io.LineStream
- TopNEntropyMetric - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Metric that measures the entropy of the top N recommendations across all users.
- TopNEntropyMetric() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNEntropyMetric
Construct a new length metric.
- TopNEntropyMetric.Context - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNEntropyMetric.EntropyResult - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNItemBasedItemRecommender - Class in org.lenskit.basic
A global item recommender that recommends the top N items from a scorer.
- TopNItemBasedItemRecommender(ItemDAO, ItemBasedItemScorer) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemBasedItemRecommender
- TopNItemRecommender - Class in org.lenskit.basic
Recommender that recommends the top N items by a scorer.
- TopNItemRecommender(UserEventDAO, ItemDAO, ItemScorer) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.basic.TopNItemRecommender
- TopNLengthMetric - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Metric that measures how long a TopN list actually is.
- TopNLengthMetric() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNLengthMetric
Construct a new length metric.
- TopNLengthMetric.LengthResult - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNMAPMetric - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Compute the mean average precision.
- TopNMAPMetric() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMAPMetric
Construct a new MAP metric with the user’s test items as good.
- TopNMAPMetric(PRMetricSpec) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMAPMetric
Create a metric from a spec.
- TopNMAPMetric(ItemSelector, String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMAPMetric
Construct a new mean average precision top n metric
- TopNMAPMetric.AggregateResult - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNMAPMetric.Context - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNMAPMetric.UserResult - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNMetric<X> - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Base class for metrics that measure Top-N recommendations for users.
- TopNMetric(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMetric
Construct a new result metric.
- TopNMetric(Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>, Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMetric
Construct a new result metric.
- TopNMetric(Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>, Class<? extends TypedMetricResult>, String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMetric
Construct a new result metric.
- TopNMRRMetric - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Compute the mean reciprocal rank.
- TopNMRRMetric() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMRRMetric
Construct a new MRR metric using the user’s test items as good.
- TopNMRRMetric(PRMetricSpec) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMRRMetric
Construct an MRR metric from a spec.
- TopNMRRMetric(ItemSelector, String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNMRRMetric
Construct a new recall and precision top n metric
- TopNMRRMetric.AggregateResult - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNMRRMetric.Context - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNMRRMetric.UserResult - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNNDCGMetric - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Measure the nDCG of the top-N recommendations, using ratings as scores.
- TopNNDCGMetric() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric
Create an nDCG metric with log-2 discounting.
- TopNNDCGMetric(Discount) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric
Create an nDCG metric with a default name.
- TopNNDCGMetric(TopNNDCGMetric.Spec) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric
Construct a top-N nDCG metric from a spec.
- TopNNDCGMetric(Discount, String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDCGMetric
Construct a new nDCG Top-N metric.
- TopNNDCGMetric.Spec - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Specification for configuring nDCG metrics.
- TopNNDPMMetric - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Measure the nDPM of the top-N recommendations, using rankings.
- TopNNDPMMetric(TopNNDPMMetric.Spec) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDPMMetric
Construct a top-N nDCG metric from a spec.
- TopNNDPMMetric(String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNNDPMMetric
Construct a new nDPM Top-N metric.
- TopNNDPMMetric.Spec - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Specification for configuring nDPM metrics.
- TopNPopularityMetric - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
Metric that measures how popular the items in the TopN list are.
- TopNPopularityMetric() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPopularityMetric
- TopNPopularityMetric.Context - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNPopularityMetric.PopResult - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNPrecisionRecallMetric - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
A metric to compute the precision and recall of a recommender given a set of candidate items to recommend from and a set of desired items.
- TopNPrecisionRecallMetric() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPrecisionRecallMetric
Construct a new precision-recall metric using the user’s test items as good.
- TopNPrecisionRecallMetric(PRMetricSpec) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPrecisionRecallMetric
Construct a precision-reacll metric from a spec.
- TopNPrecisionRecallMetric(ItemSelector, String) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.TopNPrecisionRecallMetric
Construct a new recall and precision top n metric
- TopNPrecisionRecallMetric.Context - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNPrecisionRecallMetric.PresRecResult - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend
- TopNScoredIdAccumulator - Class in org.lenskit.util
Accumulate the top N scored IDs.
- TopNScoredIdAccumulator(int) - Constructor for class org.lenskit.util.TopNScoredIdAccumulator
Create a new accumulator to accumulate the top n IDs.
- TopNTruncator - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate
A VectorTruncator
that will retain the top n entries.
- TopNTruncator(int, Threshold) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate.TopNTruncator
- TopNTruncator(int) - Constructor for class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate.TopNTruncator
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.ErrorThresholdStoppingCondition
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.IterationCountStoppingCondition
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative.ThresholdStoppingCondition
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.scored.AbstractScoredId
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.Symbol
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols.TypedSymbol
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.statistics.MeanAccumulator
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.CosineVectorSimilarity
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.PearsonCorrelation
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.similarity.SignificanceWeightedVectorSimilarity
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.SparseVector
- toString() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.vectors.VectorEntry
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.baseline.ItemMeanRatingItemScorer
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.baseline.UserMeanItemScorer
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.cli.util.InputData
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.EventCollectionDAO
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.StaticDataSource
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.TextEntitySource
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Attribute
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityType
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.TypedName
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.PreferenceDomain
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.data.ratings.RatingMatrixEntry
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.Crossfolder
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.FractionHistoryPartitionMethod
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.HoldoutNHistoryPartitionMethod
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.crossfold.RetainNHistoryPartitionMethod
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.AlgorithmInstance
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.DataSet
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.ExponentialDiscount
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.LogDiscount
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.recommend.ItemSelector.GroovyItemSelector
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.PlaceholderSatisfaction
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemItemResult
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.ItemVectorSimilarity
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.NormalizingItemItemModelProvider
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.SimilarityMatrixModel
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.model.StandardVectorTruncatorProvider
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.SimilaritySumNeighborhoodScorer
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.item.WeightedAverageNeighborhoodScorer
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.knn.user.UserVectorSimilarity
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.DomainClampingKernel
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.DotProductKernel
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.svd.MFModel
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.results.BasicResult
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.transform.normalize.BaselineSubtractingUserVectorNormalizer
- toString() - Method in class org.lenskit.util.IdBox
- trainFeature(int, TrainingEstimator, RealVector, RealVector, FeatureInfo.Builder) - Method in class org.lenskit.mf.funksvd.FunkSVDModelProvider
Train a feature using a collection of ratings.
- TrainingEstimator - Class in org.lenskit.mf.funksvd
Rating estimates used while training the predictor.
- TrainingLoopController - Interface in org.grouplens.lenskit.iterative
Training Loop controller for iterative updates
- TrainModel - Class in org.lenskit.cli.commands
- TrainModel() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.commands.TrainModel
- TrainTest - Class in org.lenskit.cli.commands
- TrainTest() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.cli.commands.TrainTest
- TrainTestExperiment - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest
Sets up and runs train-test evaluations.
- TrainTestExperiment() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.TrainTestExperiment
- transform(ObjectStream<S>, Function<? super S, ? extends T>) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.io.ObjectStreams
Transform an object stream’s values.
- transform(Long2DoubleMap, UnivariateFunction) - Static method in class org.lenskit.util.math.Vectors
Transform the values of a vector.
- Transient - Annotation Type in org.lenskit.inject
Mark a component dependency as transient.
- transparentlyDecompress(InputStream) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.io.LKFileUtils
Auto-detect whether a stream needs decompression.
- trim() - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.collections.CompactableLongArrayList
- truncate(MutableSparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate.NoOpTruncator
- truncate(MutableSparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate.ThresholdTruncator
- truncate(MutableSparseVector) - Method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate.TopNTruncator
- truncate(MutableSparseVector) - Method in interface org.grouplens.lenskit.transform.truncate.VectorTruncator
Truncate a vector, removing any entries that do not satisfy some condition.
- tryGetIndex(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.FrozenHashKeyIndex
- tryGetIndex(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.HashKeyIndex
- tryGetIndex(long) - Method in interface org.lenskit.util.keys.KeyIndex
Try to get the index for an ID, returning a negative value if it does not exist.
- tryGetIndex(long) - Method in class org.lenskit.util.keys.SortedKeyIndex
Get the index for a key.
- tryGetInstance(Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.StaticInjector
- tryGetInstance(QualifierMatcher, Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.StaticInjector
- tryGetInstance(Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.StaticInjector
- tryGetInstance(Annotation, Class<T>) - Method in class org.lenskit.inject.StaticInjector
- tryInstantiate(String) - Method in class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.MetricLoaderHelper
Try to instantiate a metric.
- tsvRatings() - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.dao.file.Formats
Read a TSV file of ratings without a header.
- type - Variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.AbstractEntity
- type - Variable in class org.lenskit.data.entities.EntityBuilder
- typeClosure(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.grouplens.lenskit.util.TypeUtils
Return the supertype closure of a type (the type and all its transitive supertypes).
- TypedMetricResult - Class in org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics
Base class for metric results that expose their values via getters.
- TypedMetricResult() - Constructor for class org.lenskit.eval.traintest.metrics.TypedMetricResult
- TypedName<T> - Class in org.lenskit.data.entities
An association of a type with a name.
- TypedSymbol<K> - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.symbols
- typePredicate(EntityType) - Static method in class org.lenskit.data.entities.Entities
Create a predicate that filters events for an entity type.
- TypeUtils - Class in org.grouplens.lenskit.util
Various type utilities used in LensKit.